birthday surprise

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“I need you now.” I whispered in Xavier’s ear, I squirmed on my position as the uncomfortable felling crawled up my back and I could not silent it because of the crowed I had in my apartment.

I grabbed Xavier’s hand and tugged him in the kitchen and closed the door gently, careful not to make any sound and alert any unwanted attention towards us.

I tuned my back to him and gathered my hair on my side and faced my zipped back towards Xavier. I was wearing my gift from my dad, as it was quite a classy, simple and most importantly comfortable.

Xavier bought his hand on my back and scratched on the top part of my back and I sighed in content. I never imagined an itching to be so irritating, it was like when the teacher erased the board but carelessly and left few markers marks and it irritated the hell out of me.

“Yes a little to the left... yeah that’s it.” I said relaxed as he scratched a little more.

“Thank you.” I said relieved and turned around with a grateful smiled stretched on my face. He nodded and smiled despite the awkward thing I asked him to do.

“You look beautiful thought.” He said softly while his eyes racked my body and I blushed crimson at his flattering.

“Thank you.” I stuttered and bit my lip.

He groaned and cupped my face. I looked at him and saw the lust in his eyes. He leaned forward and took my bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled on it.

My eyes shut themselves as my body took everything he was offering. My heart’s pace rocketed and I felt a twist in my belly. I sighed and leaned my head on his.

“We have a party to host.” I said and he pressed his lips on mine.

The warmth that spread my body was enveloping my heart like fire and its effects made me light headed. He was addictive that’s for sure, but more over he actually cared.

At least I hope.

A knock bought us back from the bliss and we opened our eyes. His grey eyes held something so deep and pure that made my breath to come out in pants and my heart to flutter with awe. He usually gave me that look and I can’t help but wonder what they meant, it made my insides to churn happily and a goofy smile to appear on my face.

“Are you love birds done?” A voice broke us apart and Xavier glared at my dad.

They have quite an unstable relationship and I cannot blame my dad, he was right of his strand.

I mean Xavier deflowered his daughter and left her with a son and abandoned her for a while. It was a natural dad reaction and I respect it whole heartedly.

“yup.” I said as a tense atmosphere settled on us. I sighed and rubbed my hands together.

Time to break the stare war.

“Where is Alex?” I asked my dad and he broke the eye contact and smiled at me at the mention of his grandson.

“He is being the big boy he is and crying for his mother.” My dad replied and shook his head smiling.

“Oh my baby.” I said worried and went outside to my baby.

I am such a bad mother; here I was having a moment while my beautiful son bawled his pretty little eyes out on his birthday.

Okay so I am exaggerating a bit, fine I am over reacting.

I found Alex on his feet as Maggie beckoned his to walk his way towards her.

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