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The bright sun shone through Ava's curtains, making her eyes squint as she woke up and laid there for a few minutes

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The bright sun shone through Ava's curtains, making her eyes squint as she woke up and laid there for a few minutes. It was Saturday, which means no school and she was thankful because she had time to run a few errands. She also had to finish her pictures. Running a hand through her hair she stood up and walked to her bedroom door, her grandmother was probably still at work because the tv wasn't on. Magda always put the tv on when she came home from work and slept on the couch, depending on her work schedule. It always changed so she might have been doing a double and would only come home at four in the evening. Going to her brother's old room, which she now made into her darkroom.

She turned on the light on and looked at the pictures, examining them and smiling. The one's of her and Hector, smiling and hugging each other on a Christmas morning. The one's of the Iron Man had developed, she held it in her hand and examined it. They were actually the best pictures she's taken. It immediately made her think about the amulet and suit that she was supposed go and get, but was extremely hesitant because she didn't know what would happen once she put it on.

The amulet was supposed to give her powers. Enhanced strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, acceleration recuperation and heightened animal-like senses. She would know marital arts, relying on the knowledge and experience of the amulet. Supposedly there was three amulets, but Hector was only known to have one. She had a feeling she knew where it was, but it would take a train ride to get it and she was too lazy to do that.

So she was going to make them bring it to her. Ava walked to the phone near the living room, picking it up and immediately pressing two for speed dial. This is probably the first time in years that she's actually going to speak to him, because after Hector died, all her faith in superheroes had died. Matt Murdock was different. He defended her brother in court when everyone else thought he was guilty.

She took a deep breath when she heard the ringing, not sure what she was even going to say to him. Matt had a secret of his own. He was blind, but he was incredibly talented and anyone who says he wasn't was probably extremely jealous.

There was a clicking noise at the other end of the phone, "Ava?" He questioned and she became so confused, "I knew you'd call one of these days." "I don't suppose you have caller ID?" She smirked and he chuckled, "How'd you know?" This time she was the one to chuckle, knowing he had a specific ring tone for her number. He'd always call occasionally to see how her grandmother was doing.

"Listen, Matt, I need something." She said, his silence made her uneasy and then he just hummed on the other end, "Tell me what it is first and we'll see." He said and she scoffed, "It shouldn't matter what it is. You owe me and it's rightfully mine." She told him, he let out a sigh. Giving up, "Fine. What is it?" He asked and she smiled. "I need the amulet and suit. I know you have it." All of a sudden, Matt burst out with laughter. "No I don't. Hector took it from me before he died." He told her, "Then where the hell is it?" She asked, she could practically hear his shrug on the other end. "Well, where would be Hector's number one hiding place?"

She had to think about that for a moment. A knock at the door erupted, "Hang on a sec, Matt." She went over to the door, opening it without looking through the peep hole and saw Peter standing there.

While mentally cursing, she held up one finger, asking him to give her a minute. "Matt, I'm going to have to call you back." She said, but before hanging up he spoke. "Just think about the number one place Hector would hide something. He was good at that." Matt said, she nodded even though he couldn't see her.

"I got it. Thank you." She hung up the phone, looking back at Peter and smiled. "Sorry, that was my... Therapist." She lied and he nodded. He thought she would have a therapist after everything she's been through.

"What'd you need? Math notes?" She smirked and he chuckled, "Me? Math notes? Your funny." He said and she turned her smile into a smirk, "I was wondering if you wanted to head to town with me today?" He asked her and rubbed the back of his neck as he always did when he was nervous. Then it hit Ava. Rick's camera shop. That's where the amulet is. When Rick told her he knew about everything, she knew Hector only trusted him. Hector trusted Rick with his life.

Peter stood there and waited for an answer, "Ava?" He questioned. She looked up at him, "You know what I would love to, but I got to go to work. First day. I can't be sloppy." She told him, he raised an eyebrow. "Where do you work?" He asked, sounding interested and she smiled. "Rick's Camera House, in the city."

"Oh, I can accompany you..." She cut him off, "No. That won't be necessary, Parker. I'll be fine." The tone in Ava's voice made Peter feel like she was lying to him about having to go to work, but she wasn't lying she was going to Rick's Camera House, but not for work.

The picture was still in her hand and he he noticed it, grabbing it from her and she bit her bottom lip. "Nice. You know, I actually met Iron Man." Peter told her, she immediately raised her eyebrows, he looked up at her and corrected himself, "I met Tony Stark, he was coming out of Stark Tower. I said hi to him, but he ignored me because I didn't say it loud enough." He explain further and she nodded, "Keep it, I hate superheroes." He looked back up at her and she smiled. "I have to go get ready for work. I'll see you around, Peter." She smirked, Peter became speechless when she actually called him by his first name. She closed the door, leaving Peter to stand in the hall and just looked at the picture, realising how talented Ava really was.

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