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Yes, Peter didn't refuse a ride with Ava because she paid, but now he owes her ten dollars

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Yes, Peter didn't refuse a ride with Ava because she paid, but now he owes her ten dollars. They both got sent to the principal's office as soon as they arrived. This was like a normal thing for Ava, but Peter had never been in the principal's office before. He might get in trouble on occasion but never has he been sent to the principal's office. Principal Morita has spoke to them both equally, doing his daily speech about how being early to school guarantees a happy time at school. Ava had heard this speech more than once and at some point he just stopped talking to her about it because she did listen to him anyway, even now she was thinking about a billion things and his speech wasn't one of them. Peter was on the edge of his seat, probably worried he was going to get a detention. This was his first offence so Morita was probably going to go easy on him. Ava was just waiting for them to be dismissed, so when Peter leaves she was going to be called back into his office and spoken to for the hundredth time.

Morita had looked between the two of them after finishing up, "You may go to class, Mr Parker. I don't want to see you in this office again, am I clear?" He looked at the young boy who nodded, "Yes, sir." Peter glanced at Ava who didn't seemed fazed at the fact that she was still sitting in the chair across from the principal. Peter wanted to say something, but decided against it and just walked out the office.

Ava pursed her lips at looked at her principal who let out a sigh, "Ava, you've been late to school almost everyday for the past year. You've been in my office almost everyday for the past year." She wasn't bothered. "I get it. You lost your brother and you're hurting," Morita said to her and she put her head down. "I'm sorry, but he wouldn't want this for you." She looked back up at him, leaning forward in her seat.

"You have no idea what my brother would've wanted." She stood up, "Just give me the detention so I can get out of here. I have a class to get to." She walked over to the door, but Morita protested.

"Ava, I don't understand you," He came to her and she rolled her eyes. "You are an amazing student. I know when you put your mind to something you get it done, but you hide behind this rebellious exterior and you make it hard for people to understand you and be there for you." Ava didn't want to talk about this, she didn't care about it.

"Do I have a detention or not?" She asked, looking at him with a careless expression.

"I guess so." He told her just as the bell rang for second period.

She nodded, exiting the office just to find herself amongst her peers in the hallway. It's like they were all looking at her coming out of the principal's office as usual. Ava turned to corner, not noticing Peter coming behind her. "Did you get in trouble?" He asked her, walking beside her and he sounded genuinely worried for her. "Detention."

She didn't bother to look at him, people bumped into her and she groaned. "I could sit with you during detention. It's only fair if we..." She cut him off as she turned to him, "Life's not fair, Parker." He sighed, "I'm just trying to be nice. I thought we were..." "Friends?" She questioned and he nodded, "What world are you living in, I don't have nor do I need friends. Get that through your head, Parker. We are not friends. Now leave me alone." She turned back around and someone bumped her again, but she just kept walking.

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