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After an extremely boring detention, where the teacher's make you sit and watch a video of Captain America telling you how bad it is to get a detention, which made her want to die because she hated him

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After an extremely boring detention, where the teacher's make you sit and watch a video of Captain America telling you how bad it is to get a detention, which made her want to die because she hated him. Ava decided to not go straight home after school. She called her grandmother and told her that she'll be home later. Not giving a reason why and her grandmother didn't expect a reason. She took a train to the city since it was a Friday. Ava was glad, she could sleep in tomorrow and watch Netflix the whole day. Right now she was going to buy some film for her camera, which she hadn't used in two years.

The reason being because it was full of images of her brother before he passed away. She never got them developed and she never used her camera again after his funeral. The owner of the camera store she always went to had missed her service, she was his only regular customer. He even went to Hector's funeral and paid his respects. To Ava, Rick was a friend, more her brother's friend but she treated him the way Hector treated him, like he was family even though they haven't seen each other in two years. He was going to be so excited when he finds out that she's getting back into taking pictures.

She adjusted her backpack, pushing the door of the camera shop open and actually smiled when she saw Rick in his office, fixing a busted camera. Walking towards to the window of his office, she gently knocked on it three times and the older man turned his head, seeing her standing there and waving her camera in the air. A smile plastered on his face as he exited his office, rushing to greet the girl.

He immediately brought her into a hug, "I must be dreaming." He said to himself, Ava couldn't wipe the smile from her face. She was so happy to be seeing him again.

This was the first time in a long time that she's smiled and had it be genuine. Rick just reminded her so much of her brother, so she couldn't help it. They pulled away from the hug, "Look how big you've gotten." He examined her and she smiled, "What can I do for you, sweetheart?" He leaned against the counter and she placed her camera beside him.

"Well, I need some film and I'm also going to be developing tonight." She pulled out her other camera from her bag, to fill it with film while she was in the store. Ava had two 35 mm cameras, they were gifts to both her and Hector from their grandmother.

"Any pictures in Hector's camera?" Rick asked, taking it from her and examining it and Ava shook her head. "It's completely empty, so I need some film. I'm trying this new thing where I actually do something with my life."

Rick pursed his lips as he looked at her, "I heard about you," he went around the counter and pulled out some films, getting ready to fill the camera for her. "Your grandmother told me everything." Rick fixed his glasses a little bit, but she just rolled her eyes. She knew her grandmother had been coming in here and talking about her.

"If it's the kids at school..." "It's not." She cut him off and smiled, "I just- I don't want to live up to the family name. I want to tell my own story." Rick looked at her saddened face, he stopped what he was doing and smiled. "Let me tell you something, Ricardo knows everything. I know that your brother wants more for you than just taking pictures and going to school." Rick told her and Ava immediately saw that smirk on his face, her eyes widening and she leaned forward, trying to figure out if he knew the truth.

"Do you know what I think you know?" She asked him, he turned back to the camera and filled it with film and put a few in a bag, "Rick knows everything. Your brother wasn't shy when it came to telling me that you're the next in line." Rick told her and she immediately became confused, "You were meant for much more than just this, Ava." He handed her the camera, "I'll go get your press kit."

She watched him go to the back, looking down at the camera. She realised that maybe Rick was right, she might just have a purpose in this world. Unless it's destroyed before she gets a chance. Rick came back with her stuff and she smiled as she pulled out her money, but he didn't want it.

"On the house, but I want you to take some really good pictures and if you need a job..."

"Really?" Ava's eyes lit up and he nodded, "Oscar's visiting his mother in Chicago, so I need someone to watch the front while I'm in the back on most days. What'd you say?" Rick asks and she immediately grins, "Definitely." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, "Rick, you brought back my smile. Thank you." She told him and he nodded, thankful that he was able to help her out.

"I'll see you Monday after school. I don't want you having a detention, so get to school early. Am I clear?" He asked, she nodded, putting her stuff in her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder.

"I won't let you down. See you Monday." She told him and took her filled camera and throwing it around her neck, walking out the shop and actually smiling.

The city was full of people, the building were all lit and it was time square so it would be this live on a Friday night. She was eager to get home and tell her grandmother about her new job and how she's going to try and sort her life out, getting to school early on Monday is going to shock the entire school. As she walked people began to gasp and look up, pointing at what they saw in the sky. "It's Iron Man!" Someone called out, so out of instinct Ava looked up and spotted the flying metal of red and gold in the night sky, Ava lifted her camera and aimed it at the him in the sky, snapping a few pictures. She might not approve of supers, but Rick's words might have changed her mind. She had to get home and figure out her life.

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