Someone had pointed me out in specific. Someone had told this guy that I was the Alpha he needed to get, but why? What did I have that was so special? I wasn't even the strongest female; that was Reagan. There was a reason why her father kept her away from the rest of us. She was his best fighter and has yet to loose a single fight. So why me?

Perhaps this was all Titan. He could have found this man and given him my name. He could have even told him my schedule, which room I sleep in, which room I go to when I need to be alone. My brother had all the information that would allow this man to get to me, and with his little sister out of the picture, Titan had full access to the pack. But would Titan go this far?

Though I realize that in the end it didn't really matter. What mattered was somehow getting out. My body was weak, most likely too weak to make it out of here on my own. I was going to have to get the others out to, but that was impossible. We were always kept locked up, and when we were transported to another room there was always someone with Dave that could snap us with like a twig. There was really only one way out, but I wasn't ready for that yet. I wanted more time...

Dave on the other hand, there was something off about him. The way he watched us, and kept his distance; he wasn't an Alpha. I wouldn't even classify him as a Beta. He could never look us directly in the eyes. His eyes would always linger on the spot between our eye brows. It made him look like he was staring at us, but I knew he never really was.

Even now, he's looking at every body part except for my eyes. I couldn't stop the laugh that escaped my lips when I finally put two and two together; an omega aye?

"Something funny?" Dave pushed himself off the door and made his way over to the chair I was strapped to.

"Tell me Omega," I snapped with sudden resolve, "What Alpha decided that he didn't want you any more?" His smile dropped. Darkness filled his eyes and I knew that I had hit a bullseye. He wasn't just an Omega, he was also a rogue. In our books that was the lowest of the low. You'd be better off dead.

"I don't know-"

"Look me in the eyes then. Look at any of us Alpha's in the eyes." He couldn't do it. The struggle was easy to spot. "Must be nice having all these big guys to do your dirty work."

"Shut up!" He growled, "Last time I checked you are the one tied up Alpha, not me!"

"Just tell me what you want. Are you doing all this because one little Alpha made you mad, or is there more to it? Why me really? I don't even own a pack."

"I am the one asking question!" His fist connected with my jaw making my vision go dark. When I came to Dave was looking at me with an emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on. "How about we start then."

"Go ahead." I chuckled dryly.

"You're grandfather, when was the last time you contacted the old man?" So that's what you're after?

"You're playing a dangerous game there boy." I snarled.

"How many people know about him and his condition?"

"I don't even know what your talking about." I lied easily.

"I know that the old geezer watches over you and your sister. Tell me though, does he watch over your niece at all?" Faith... tuned into the sudden spike of emotion, my wolf started to stir.

"Look, I think you have the wrong person..."

"Oh I know I have the correct one. You see, I know for a fact that good, old grandpappy cares dearly for his two precious granddaughters. He would give up his own life if it meant keeping them safe. So I have no doubt in my mind when I say, he will show up here eventually. It's just a matter of time."

"You're a fool." I laughed, "My grandfather won't be showing up ever. He's dead."

"That he is, or well undead I guess you could say."

"You're delusional." He won't show up. I know that for a fact, but that doesn't mean he won't send someone, after all that was why he gave me Lucas; his own personal camera to watch over his granddaughter.

"You're really not going to tell me...are you?"

"There is nothing to tell."

"Alright." He shrugged and started releasing my chains. I stared at him in confusion.

"What are you-?"

"You," he shoved me to the ground suddenly, "Can just stay in here until you decide to talk. I should warn you though, this place does contain silver in the walls. You either talk or die from the vapors."

"Then kill me." I hissed as I rolled onto my back.

"That would just be to easy." Stealing a quick kiss from my lips, the Omega turned on his heels and marched from the room with just a bit too much pep in his step. The moment the door closed fire rushed through my veins and my skin began to ripple.

A/N: Remember this is a rough draft. Please ignore my mistakes.

Why is Dave so focused on her Grandfather?

Is Cara going to die?

How is she going to get out alive?

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