Chapter Three

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The next morning I'm sitting in the kitchen sipping green tea thinking.
I tap my fingers on the kitchen bench.
Should I text Rhys.
Meeting up with him would be betraying Tamlin. But I can't resist the urge. As long as Tamlin doesn't find out it will be fine.
I turn my phone on and look at the time. 7:43, he got into the shower five minutes ago. I have a few minutes to text Rhys and delete the messages without Tamlin seeing anything.
I go to where I saved his contact yesterday my heart racing a bit.
I decide to send a simple hey. Why am I so nervous about this.
Hey Feyre I didn't expect you to actually text me
Why not?
Anyways I was wondering if you would like to go out some time
Of course, when would you like to go out
I have today off work
How about dinner then
Dinner. Tamlins going out tonight so he won't know I'm gone.
I'd like that
See you then Feyre darling
I can't help smiling to myself.
I hear the water turn off. I quickly delete the messages.
" Tam your going out tonight aren't you", I ask
" Yeah, why "
" Just wondering "
" So Feyre tonight I need you to help organise the party I'm throwing next week, make sure to run everything past Ianthe "
" Of course ", I say. The last thing I want to do is plan another one of his parties. Especially with Ianthe.
His damp hair hangs almost shoulder length.
" Your not working today ", he asks
" No "
" I was thinking that you should quit"
" Why I love my job "
" Yes but I want you at home "
" Tamlin I'm not quitting "
" Please Feyre for me "
" I'll think about it "
" No Feyre you won't. I am telling you to quit "
" It isn't your decision "
He stalks away from me slamming his hand on the table.
" Dammit why do you have to be so difficult "
" I'm sorry ", I quickly say
" I'll get ready we'll talk about this later"
He stalks back into the bedroom with his hands in fists.
I sip my tea feeling cold.
It's half an hour later he walks back out looking reasonably calmer.
" I just don't want you to have to work I just want you to be at home "
" Tamlin I really don't want to fight over this ", I say as gently as possible
" I love you "
" I love you too "
Somehow it doesn't feel the same. The words sound foreign on my tongue.
He leaves not long after.
I can't be bothered even starting to plan the party. I hear a knock on the door. With a groan I get up and open it.
" Hey ", Lucien says his bright red hair tied back
" Hey "
" Is Tamlin here "
" Nope and he won't be until late tonight "
" He asked me to check in on you "
" Why "
" You tell me "
" We had a fight ", I say sitting back down
" What was it this time ", he says all to casually
" He wants me to quit my job and to stay home and Lucien you know I can't do that "
" I know ", he says " Look I'll try to talk to him "
" And how did that work out last time "
Last time Lucien tried to defend me it ended with them almost getting in a fist fight.
" Good point ", he says " So are you going to bring your sisters to the party"
" God no ", I laugh " And we're not on the best terms "
" I know but I'm still to meet the infamous Nesta "
" It's a good thing you haven't "
" But Elain sounds nice ", he says
" She is "
" So I'm going to guess your not asking Ianthe for help "
" No I'm letting the bitch handle it "
I see his lip curve up at that. If we have one thing in common it's our mutual hate for Ianthe.
" Alright well I'm gonna go "
" Alright "
A few hours later I get another text from Rhys.
Do you want me to pick you up or do you want to meet me?
I'll meet you so where are we going
It's a surprise
How am I supposed to meet you if it's a surprise
Good point I could pick you up if that's alright
Yeah as long as we're not out to late
I can't let Tamlin know. But usually when he's out he isn't home until late and he's usually drunk. So I shouldn't have to worry to much.
Don't worry I'll take you home when your ready so what's your address
108 Spring road so any dress code
Anything you want but maybe a bit fancy
Any particular time you want me to pick you up
Around six thirty
Great I'll see you then
I spend the next few hours thinking about tonight. And praying Tamlin won't find out.
I style my blonde hair into loose waves and do my makeup darker than I usually do.
My wardrobe mostly consists of brightly coloured clothes Tamlin bought be to wear.
I gag a little and pull out a black mini skirt and matching crop top.
I look hot and can't help smiling at how shocked Tamlin would be to see me where this.
He doesn't have to know.
I pull on my black high heels that give me some hight and stand.
I have no idea where he's taking me or why I agreed to this in the first place but I can't wait.
The sound of a car pulling up outside the grande mansion has me walking downstairs. I open the door making sure my keys are in my purse.
I see Rhys standing there in casual clothes that are still elegant. His mouth hangs open slightly as he takes me in.
I can't help blushing at the look on his face.
" So are you going to tell me what the surprise is "
He quickly regains himself with a smirk.
" You'll have to see "
" Lamborghini ", I grin looking at his car. A black lambo.
His grin matches mine as we climb in.
" So Feyre I was actually really surprise that you texted me "
" Why not I think after yesterday we can say we're friends "
" Yeah but with Tamlin does he know you're with me "
" No he doesn't need to know ", I say
I turn the music up.
" Classic rock ", I say " I'm impressed "
" Well I am in a rock band "
" Come on don't lie I'm sure you listen to pop as well "
" You see through me that easily ", he laughs " But I prefer real music not the mindless pop crap but the good deep ones that make you feel something or those on e you can actually lose yourself to in a club "
We pull up outside a resturaunt.
" The surprise is after dinner ", he says
We take our seat in the resturaunt.
" So Rhys tell me about your band it's called the Illyrians right "
" Yeah my brothers Cassian and Azriel well they aren't my brothers biologically but they are in every other way possible we formed it when we were sixteen and messing around with my dad's guitars next thing we know it's all we cared about we fought hard to get where we are and well I couldn't be happier "
" Well I'm trying to decide if I should quit my job "
" I thought you loved your job "
" I do but Tamlin thinks I should quit"
" Feyre ", he says " Don't quit your job you need money of your own not just Tamlins money if anything happened it would make it harder to leave him "
" What makes you think I want to leave him "
He stays quiet for a moment as if carefully considering his response.
" Why don't you want him to know you're with me "
" He hates you "
" What's the other reason ", he says already knowing what I'm about to say
" He doesn't like me being friends with other guys "
" And what about Lucien "
" Yeah we've had some arguments about that "
" Feyre you know you don't have to do what he wants "
" Yeah I do other wise he gets mad and I really want to avoid arguments "
The waiter comes with our food.
I'm surprised at how quick he came.
" So Rhys you have a girlfriend right ", I say remembering hearing about it.
" We broke up ", he says quietly " It wasn't a healthy relationship "
" Oh ", I say " I'm sorry "
" Yeah let's just say I'm glad to be out of it "
" How did you tell it was unhealthy "
" She was controlling, insanely jealous, didn't let me see my friends, the inner circle, she had access to my money which was a way she kept me with her for so long and well there are other things "
We finish our meal in almost complete silence. I think about my relationship with Tamlin. Yeah it has some of those things but he does it because he loves me.
He loves me.
I say it in my head until I believe it.
" So what's the surprise ", I ask when we're done. He smiles at me.
" You'll see ", he says as we walk to his car.

I'm halfway through ACOWAR. And it is amazing.

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