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It's been four months. I haven't been out of this room. I barely see Aiden or anyone else.

The food I'm being given is scarps from when the prisoners get done eating. I know I probably look sick. Aiden walked in on me last week and started crying. Ken had to take him away.

I'm starting to loose my mind.

I haven't seen a sigh of Scar either. I figured that's the best possible thing. I stood in the mirror looking at myself. My eyes are dull. My ribs were visible.

I couldn't help but to see my mother.

I punched the mirror causing the glass to break. I took the biggest piece I could find.

Aiden will be well taken care of.

I kept chanting to myself.

My eyes shut I finally was going to get the escape I wanted.

I pushed the glass slowly into my skin. Blood started to peak out.

'Stop Harmony! We need our mate' I haven't heard her voice in a long time.

"He doesn't want us. We can never leave here."

'We can try.'

I pushed the glass deeper. "I'm sorry Hazel." I went as deep as I could until I fell onto the bathroom floor.

I heard the door burst open. Ken yelled. "Alpha! What have you done Harmony."

I smiled as my vision became black. "Set myself free."

My body fell limp.

"And sometimes darkness can be beautiful." My dad smiled.

"But I'm scared of the dark." I clutched my bear.

"You need to get use to the dark. You'll find that some hearts will be that way."

I shook my head. "I won't talk to them."

He smiled knowingly. "Get to his heart. Now wake up Harmony."

I blinked my eyes trying to adjust to the light.

"If she dies I swear I'll kill you." Hunters voice ranged through my ears.

The beeping of machines seemed clear so did my surroundings.

The doctor shon lights in my eyes. I coward away. "She's up. I knew the blood would help. She's on bed rest for a few days. She can stay-"

"With me." Hunter interjected.

"She'll sleep in her own room." Scar growled from across the room.

I kept my attention on Hunter. "She tried to kill herself. You think the smartest idea is leaving her alone! Just reject her."

"It's to bad she couldn't succeed."

His harsh words hurt deeper then anything. "Hunter is right." Alpha Scar glared at him. "A-about the staying arrangement I mean. Harmony needs supervision."

"Then she'll stay with me."

"I want to stay with Hunter."

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