He jogged back down to the hotel entrance, and watched at the brindle dog handed him the lead. It was already clipped onto the white collar, and the dog began to walk of, stopping y now and then to push the detective of the west in the right direction. The dog led him through Ekoda, until they reached a nice neighbourhood. The dog led him up to the front door of a detached house and barked twice. The door swung open, the big white malamute from the heist wagging its tail at him. The detective took a step back. Had this big dog opened the door?

As he went to enter the house, heiji felt a sting on his neck and mentally cursed kudo. That felt like the unmistakable hit of that tranquilliser dart from the shrunken kudo kuns watch. He woke up to find himself tied up, in a rather fancy looking room. A huge case in the middle of the room was wide open, a monocle, cape, top hat and white silk suit hanging up in it.

"Yo, tantei Han, sleep well?" An annoyingly cheerful voice teased. Hattori glared at the figure in white as he appeared seemingly from thin air. The magician thief grinned as the western detective struggled to escape. "My my, aren't we eager." He smirked. The dark skinned detective yelled loudly;

"Where ku...ku....conan kun? What did ya do ta im?" The Osakan detective was furious, until a familiar voice made him stop struggling.

"Oi, hattori, calm down. Kid here knows who I am, he saved my when I was shot and fell off a building during the heist. I had one of the antidotes in my pocket, I was going to apologise ran and ask her to stop waiting for me, and it changed me back. Kid here saw me turn from Conan to kudo and back. I know I haven't messaged anyone since the heist, I know it's been nearly thirty six hours, but I've been getting to know kid and his two assistants" the Chibi detective scolded his friend, whilst pointing to the two dogs that were sat either side of the magician thief.

The Osakan looked at his small friend and then at the thief. All he could say was "eh?" The infamous magician laughed, reminding hattori of the no one gets hurt rule, and then pushing a white silk sleeve up to display a clean white bandage. The thief had been shot too.

Conan's POV:
   After spending some time getting to know the phantom thief, we decided it was time to let people know I was safe. First we tackled heiji, basically kidnapping him, letting him know I was safe, and not being held against my will, then knocking him out again and leaving him back at the hotel he was staying at with kazuha. After that I called ran neechan. Conans phone had been broken by the fall, but shinichi's was still in one piece. Using my voice changing bow tie, I called ran, expecting a barrage of insults for not calling her for so long.

"Moshi moshi?" She answered. "Yo, ran, sorry, can't chat, I heard about Conan kun from hattori kun. I've got him with me now, but I don't know when I'm going to be able to get to the detective agency, so I'm going to drop him off at my friend Kuroba's house. Ok?" Ran didn't know whether to be angry at me, or relived that I was safe. "Oh, ok. Where's this Kuroba live? I'll go and pick conan kun up." I didn't know how to reply, but Kaito kun snatched phone off of me and spoke.

"Don't worry Mouri San, I'll bring the boy home later. He's busy playing around with my dog at the moment. Ja ne" he says cheerfully, hanging up on her. The thief smiles at me. He looked just like me as a teenager, but has a slightly bigger build. We were in the kitchen, I was holding a coffee in my seven year old hands, and Kaito kun was making some sort of sandwich. He offered me one, but I refused. I wasn't hungry. He takes the plate away and puts it in his fridge.

A blue rose appears in front of me, as he performs one of his tricks. I look up and smile, the light not reaching my eyes. I wanted to be kudo shinichi again. Being Conan wasn't that bad, not really, but I couldn't be a proper detective, nor could I really act my real age. Back at the detective agency, I had to act like a seven year old, I even hung out with three kids, the detective boys, as camouflage. After all, five kids working together to solve crimes was less strange that one child solving a crime on his own.

When I was alone, I often read my mystery novels, trying to forget about everything for a while. I'd felt fine at first, but as time went by, even after I took down the black org, I began to feel worse. Haibara couldn't complete the antidote drug without her notes, and she couldn't get them, everything had been destroyed. I was looking at a lifetime stuck as edogawa Conan, and that wasn't too bad, growing up again was an ok experience. But I wanted to have a normal teen life. Not in ten years time, but now. I didn't have the words for how I felt, and that bothered me. If I could find out how to cheer up, I would. I hated feeling like this.

Narrators POV:
It was a typical Monday morning at teitan elementary, children playing around before school started. Well, typical save for one thing. The detective boys were all huddled in a corner of the playground, talking in hushed voices. Conan wasn't in, and they had asked his ran neechan where he was, but she didn't seem to know, only saying he was at a relatives house. Ayumi had asked ai chan if she knew where their leader was, but she had cryptically remarked;

"Edogawa kun is with half a pair of glasses, he's probably fine" and had walked off in a strop. Ayumi, mitshiko and genta had watched her, go, not noticing the well hidden fear in the shrunken scientists face. Ai chan was worried. A message from hattori kun to Agasa hakase confirmed her suspicion of kid kidnapping him, and not hearing from her favourite test subject (and secret love interest) was frightening her. What if gin had found them? Or vodka, or vermouth, or, heaven forbid, the elusive boss?

The detective boys were quiet all day, worrying about their friend, wondering where he had gone. None of them had been aware of the kid heist in Ekoda, so naturally didn't know that conan had gone to it. It wasn't until sonoko neechan, a friend of ran neechan, ran upto them asking if Conan had come back from the kid heist a few days ago, that they realised something was wrong.

"The kid heist was on Saturday, wasn't it?" Ayumi asked sonoko.

"Hai, kid sama was amazing, but some stupid teen detective set a dog on him or something apparently." She replied to the little girl.

"And Conan has been seen since, ne?" Genta asked, frowning with concentration. He was by far the fattest of the detective boys and He found it hard to focus when he wasnt thinking of a food related topic. Sonoko nods.

"Sihinichi kun, ran's husband, called her yesterday and told her that the brat... I mean conan kun, was safe, but she was worried because he didn't hear conan himself. She thinks he's hiding some seceret about Conan or something" sonoko said, the words coming out in one long breath.

"So that means conan kun went missing after the kid heist, ne?" Mitshuiko, the most promising of the detective boys, asked her. Sonoko shook her head.

"Hmmm hmm, im not sure, I wasn't watching him. Ran's Otou-San was supposed to keep the brat out of trouble, but he passed out drunk...." Sonoko said worriedly. She was concerned for her friend. She may not approve of ran's choice of boyfriend (that's what she considered shinichi, even though they both claimed to be just friends) but ran was upset enough worrying herself stupid about the detective geek, and now Conan disappearing seemed to have tipped her over the edge.

In sport, someone had made the mistake of kicking a soccer ball at her face, and had ended up with a concussion when she karate kicked it back to them ( some of the boys had run off after that when one of the dim witted ones had said 'it's white' to himself, earning a terrifying glare from the karate champion) one of her sensei's had sent her out to calm down for five minutes, only to regret their decision a few minutes later when she poked her head in the door and asked where the janitor kept the spare plaster for the walls. (She had punched the wall too hard, but her hand was somehow miraculously unscathed) and to top it off, at the end of the day, two of the boys from the soccer group had tried to take the mick out of her about shinichi, and both ended up running for their lives as a livid unicorn head charged at them. No, Sonoko wasn't worried at all, she was scared.

Glasses and monocles (A DC MK1412 fanfic)[yaoi, shinkai pairing]Where stories live. Discover now