Jay Halstead Part 2

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Here is the rest of the imagine requested by ImanAlderawi. Sorry it took so long! I had it written in a journal but couldn't find the time to type it up. I hope you like it!!


Your POV

You could hear the man moving in the next room. You knew that Jay had seen the video by now, and had to be on his way, but it was taking too long. Your wrists had begun to bleed and bruise from trying to break free and it was getting harder to keep your eyes open because of how much your head hurt. You blinked your eyes a few times, trying to clear the fog. 

The door opened, illuminating the small room. 

"It looks like your boyfriend managed to find us." The man walked closer and moved your hair behind your ear. "Shame. I think we could've grown fond of each other."

He pulled a knife out and cut the tape off your wrists and ankles before holding it in front of your face.

"No sudden moves. And no screaming. Got it?" You nodded. The man walked behind you and untied the gag. He placed the knife against your throat. "No screaming."

You took a shaky breath, trying to calm your nerves, but it didn't help. You heard the door splinter and slam against the wall. The man grabbed your hair and pulled, giving him better access to your neck. You felt the cool sharp blade resting against your neck and you tried not to move. 

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" you heard Jay calling. Footsteps got closer and the man's grip got tighter. 

"Jay!" you heard Erin call. Her voice was loud. You wanted to scream for her to open the door, but you couldn't. Even if he hadn't threatened you before, you felt too tired to do anything.

You heard the knob twisting, but nothing happened. Then, it burst open, splintering off the hinges and frame. Jay and Erin stormed in, their flashlights shining over the room before finally landing on you. 

"Not another step, Jay. Although if you do, you get to watch me slice her pretty little throat open," the man taunted. 

"Let her go, Jack. She has nothing to do with this." Jays eyes flickered to yours, giving you a quick scan before locking back on Jack. 

"Oh contraire, Jay. She is the key to bringing you back to me. And she did." 

"You couldn't call? Or write?"

"That's not me, Jay." I looked between Jay and Erin. They were perfectly still with their guns trained on Jack. "Come on, Jay. We used to be friends."

"We were never friends." 

You felt a tear escape down your cheek as the blade pushed harder against your throat.

"Where are my manners. I never asked your lovely friend what her name was."


"Do you have a last name, Ms Erin?"

"It's Detective Erin Lindsay. Although, you won't have to know it for long." Her eyes shifted to you and she lowered her gun slightly. "(Y/N), look at me. Everything is going to be okay. Just keep looking at me, sweetheart."

Everything was getting fuzzy. Her voice sounded like it was off in the distance instead of a few feet away from you. You could feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. You tried to focus on Erin, but the pain was seeping through the adrenaline. All you wanted to do was sleep.

The pressure on your neck disappeared and you fell to the ground. You could hear Jay calling your name and Erin calling for an ambulance. You heard him pleading with you to stay awake, telling you how sorry he was and how much he loved you.


You woke up to a steady beep. You blinked the fog from your eyes and tried to shift, making the beeping accelerate. 

"Morning, sleepy head." You looked at the door.

"Jay!" you mumbled. He walked over and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a train, sat on by an elephant, and buried under a foot of concrete." Jay watched you for a moment, brushing your hair behind your ear. He tried to hide it, but you knew he was worrying about you.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

"I might never want to go back to my apartment again, but I'm fine, Jay."

He paused for a moment. "Move in with me."


"Move in with me, (Y/N). Not because of what happened. I was going to ask you at dinner the other night, but it kinda went to hell."

"Kinda went to hell?" you teased and he blushed.

"I mean, it did go to hell. But, I did get you back. Although, it was still hell while you were unconscious but-"

"Shut up and kiss me." You smiled as he blushed even harder. 

"Is that a yes?"

"Only if you kiss me." He obliged with a big smile. Bigger than any smile you had seen before.

"I'll never let anything happen to you again. I promise," he said.

"I'm going to hold you to that promise, Jay Halstead."

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