Josh Henderson Imagine for Melissa

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I'm sorry that it took so long to write. I hope you like it, DallasJHFN84!!!

"Melissa?" You stopped and looked around. When you didn't see anyone, you shrugged your shoulder and continued walking. "Melissa, wait!" the voice called again.

You stepped to the side and waited.

"I knew it was you," the voice chirped behind you. You turned around and gasped.

"Josh?" you exclaimed. He smiled and you threw your arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around your waist. "How the hell are you?"

"I'm good," he laughed. "Better now that I get to see you." 

"What are you doing here?" you questioned.

"The studio gave me a couple weeks off from shooting, so I though I would come back and visit," he explained. "I thought you had moved?"

"My job moved me back last year," you replied. You stared at each other for a moment before you continued. "What are you doing tonight?"

"I was about to ask you the same question," Josh laughed.

"Great minds think alike," you giggled. You stood staring at each other, smiling like idiots in your own little world.

"Sorry," someone mumbled as they bumped into you, bringing you back to reality.  You both looked at the ground, blushing. 

"I, uh... I'm not doing anything tonight," Josh spoke.

"What?" you asked.

"The answer to your question, I'm not doing anything," he replied. 

"Oh, awesome! Do you want to come over? We can order pizza and catch up," you suggested.

"You still in the same place?" he asked.

"Yup. Home sweet home," you smiled.

"Great! I'll be there around 7?"

"Sounds perfect."


You looked around your house and sighed. You had spent the last few hours cleaning your house, top to bottom, making sure everything was perfect. You decided not to order pizza, but rather make it just to give you guys more time to break any awkwardness of being around each other again.

Deciding that everything was perfect, you looked at the clock. 6:15. You started panicking. You only had 45 minutes until Josh arrived and you looked like a mess.

You ran upstairs and took a quick shower. You looked at the dress you had pulled out earlier and decided it was too first-dateish. You needed something more relaxed and comfortable to hang out in. You raced to your closet and went through every piece of clothing. Nothing felt right. You looked at the clock again. 6:35. 25 minutes left, not enough time to go buy something new and get back in time. You finally settled on some jeans that hugged every curve perfectly and a plain blouse. You put them on before heading back to the bathroom to fix your hair.

Finally, you were ready. You looked at the clock, again. 7:00. Josh would be here any minute. You raced downstairs for a final check.

The doorbell rang. You froze. All of your nervousness came flooding back. Why were you so nervous? Maybe it had something to do with unresolved feelings, but you pushed that aside. You couldn't think of that right now.

The doorbell rang again. You took a deep breath and moved towards the door. You grabbed the knob, took another deep breath, and opened the door.

"Hey," you smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back. You moved to the side and let him in. "I brought flowers and wine."

"Thank you, they're beautiful," you replied. You took the flowers and breathed in the sweet smell. You led Josh to the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase. "I uh... I thought it might be better if we made the pizza, rather than ordering it."

"It will most definitely taste better then," he reassured. "Homemade food is always better. That's the one thing I miss most when I'm filming."

"You mean you don't miss me the most?" you asked, acting completely offended.

"I meant type of food," he added quickly. "Of course I miss you the most."

"Relax, Josh. I'm only teasing," you laughed. He blushed and looked away.

You guys spent the night talking, laughing, eating pizza, and drinking wine. Around 10, you decided to watch a movie, but didn't pay any attention to it. It was more background noise more than anything. When it was finished, you put in another movie. This time, you watched it.

Josh put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. You rested your head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. 

"You're cold," he said. He grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and spread it over the two of you.

"Much better," you answered. "Although, I would've been fine stealing all of your body heat." He laughed. You felt your eyes get heavier and heavier as the movie went on, but you tried fighting it. You finally decided you could close your eyes for a moment, just to make sure you could stay up longer.

"Melissa?" Josh whispered.

"Hm?" you replied, your eyes still closed.

"Are you awake?"

"Yeah, I'm awake."

"Good, because I need to tell you something."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect. Absolutely positively perfect. I just need to tell you something."

"What is it?" You opened your eyes.

"I've wanted to tell you this for a while but," he paused. "I've had a crush on you since we met in 6th grade. You were smart, funny, independent, and beautiful. As we grew up, everything about you intensified, in a good way I promise, and it made me like you even more. I missed you more than I thought I would while I was away." You waited a moment, making sure he was done, before responding.

"I've liked you since 6th grade, too," you said. You sat up, taking the blanket with you. "I was always afraid to tell you because every girl liked you. Your signature smirk made every girl weak, and I was always afraid that you would leave me for one of them if I told you how I felt."

"Melissa, I could never leave you. You're too amazing to leave," he reassured. "Why don't you come back to set with me?"

"What about my job?"

"I can find you one on set. They always need an extra set of hands, maybe I can even get them to put you on the show as my love interest," he smirked. You thought for a moment. "At least come for a couple weeks, to see how it is, then decide."

"I think I can do that," you smiled.

"Perfect." He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "Maybe while your there, we can make more pizza and have more dates like this."

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