Beginning of the end

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Jack's pov

As Isaiah leaves the room I hear the click of a lock and instantly panic. I can't stay in here alone with...them. I really am losing it. Aren't hallucinations discharge worthy? Oh God I can't go back to the Boeshane peninsula, I thought I'd left that place for good. I can't face my Mom after what happened with Gray.

I move towards the door, ignoring Ianto who tries to grab my arm, and grab the handle. I try to turn it but it doesn't budge. I try again but it still won't budge. I yell in frustration and rub the heels of my hands against my temples, stepping away from the door.

Ianto steps forward, he has one of Tosh's devices in his hand. He puts it against the door, next to the handle, and within a few seconds he has it open. Ok this can't be real. I must be dreaming or something. Maybe if I stay in this room and refuse to leave it I can wake up and forget about this.

Ianto and Rose are both standing by the door, trying to make me follow them. I refuse but Ianto comes forward and grabs my hand, leading me behind him. For some reason I don't resist. As soon as we are out of my room I come to my senses. "Ianto, what's going on here? How do I know you aren't just a side effect of the sim', like Isaiah said?"

"Jack I know you've noticed things that shouldn't be here, like Isaiah's scars. And you've been getting headaches haven't you, like you get around strong perception filters. Look Jack I can't explain everything right now but please trust me. Surely you've noticed that there's something very wrong with this place." Ianto says.

"Ianto we need to go, Isaiah will be back soon and he probably knows that the others have escaped as well by now. He'll use us to find them." Rose says.

Ianto's pov

"Ok we need to get back to the teleport." I say.

"Too late," Jack breathes as we hear the front door open.

Jack quickly leads us into a small room and opens a door on the far side. It leads into a small training room. I see the weapons on the far side and quickly understand. I grab a gun while using my comms to update everyone on the situation before asking John if he can teleport us from here. He tells me that if I'm in a training room there must be a teleport of some sort somewhere. It was standard practice in case someone got badly injured during training.

I look around the room and spot a curtain in one corner. At the same time, I hear Isaiah yell Jack's name. he doesn't sound too close but I speed up as I run towards the curtain. I rip it aside and see a teleport behind it. I gesture to Jack and Rose as they join me on the teleport. I visualise the corridor outside the room where we were kept and press the button next to the teleport. The curtain is closed but as we begin to teleport I see the door to the room begin to open through a gap in the curtain.

A:N/ Sorry this one's so short. I'll do a longer one next update.

This fic is nearly over, I just have a few more chapters to write and then it'll all be finished. After I've finished this I'll get Insert Title Here done and then I have a Torchwoodxclass crossover fic that I will start called Ghosts.

As usual vote if you liked it and thanks for reading!


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