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Ianto's pov

Everywhere I turn I see Gray; or rather the face that was used to represent him in the simulation. There's something bugging me about him though. Whenever he looks at me there is a look of hatred in his eyes, just like how Gray looked at me when he came back. I'm probably imagining it though, aren't I?

I watched a film once called 'the Truman show' and I feel like I'm Truman now, constantly being watched even though I know that logically it's impossible. After all, this is the time agency not Torchwood.

Isaiah has been acting strangely, he keeps avoiding me and he never looks me in the eye. I think he thinks that I'm going mad because of the scar conversation. I know I'm not mad but I swear that he had the scars again for a second. It was like I was looking at a hologram that kept flickering in and out of existence.

I've been getting bad migraines as well. Apparently, it's a side effect of the simulation but Isaiah seems fine and I normally only get migraines when I'm exposed to a large amount of perception filters working constantly. I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.

Jack stops writing and sits back in his chair, running his hands through his hair. He's breaking inside, I can see it in his eyes. I can't bear to watch whoever is behind this do this to him. When and if I get out of here there's going to be hell to pay, and I will get out. I have to get out. I'm worried that Jack might do something stupid.

When I am made to return to the others Tosh beckons me over to her.

"Ianto I have a plan," she says, "I still have some of my tech, I keep it hidden with perception filters just in case something like this happen. I think that I could reach the hub."

"Rose is probably looking for us not hanging around the hub though."

"Yes but once I get into the Torchwood software I could get to her phone. There's a blind spot for the cameras that I could use to do it without being noticed if I'm quick." She says. I can see the hope in her eyes.

"Ok do it now." I say, "I'll explain to the others.

She goes into a corner by her bed and I join the others who are sitting on the other bunks. I quickly explain the plan to them. Tosh spends the next ten minutes connecting to the Torchwood software and Rose's phone before she is finally able to get a message through. Rose instantly replies asking for a code word that we had agreed in case of imposters. She's good. Tosh gives her instructions to hone in on the subwave network that she is using and we wait for Rose to get back to the hub.

Her next message says that she has found us but it's bad. We're registered at coming from an empty point in space. However, she thinks that she can get through to Jack even if our location is well hidden.

The voice rings through the room telling us to move back from the door and Tosh quickly hides her device. The door that leads to Jack's flat opens and Isaiah strides through, along with a blonde woman who is wearing black leather combat gear. Owen swears under his breath next to me as I realise just how much trouble we are in.

Isaiah looks all of us up and down before noticing Alec, who looks understandably terrified. "Why is he here, he isn't part of the plan." he says to the woman.

"We had to take him, he was there when we took the others and we were told no casualties so we didn't want to shoot him either." She replies.

I step slightly in front of Alec protectively. It doesn't matter if they hurt me but he can still die. Of course, Isaiah notices but at least his attention is on me now.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, hoping I sound less scared than I am.

"Why not?" Isaiah says, "That man ruined my life, he brought it on himself. And as for you... well I need bargaining material."

"What about Gray?"

"He prefers to watch as his dear brother's life is destroyed. He finds it quite satisfying."

"Now then, let's get down to business," Isaiah says, "I'm sure that Ianto has told you that Jack thinks that his life was a simulation by now, he's very gullible that way. I need information. I need Torchwood."

"Why? I thought that Jack thought his life was a simulation." Tosh says.

"Oh not on Jack, on the aliens that Torchwood fights. I know that you keep profiles on everything. And just to make sure that you give it to me I think that I could use a bit of insurance." He gestures to the blonde woman who grabs Tosh and has a gun to her head before anyone can react. "So who can tell me how to access the Torchwood servers. Any volunteers?"

I step forward, "Leave them alone. I can get into it."

Isaiah smiles, "Follow me."

He leads us past Jack's room, where he is sleeping, and through a door at the end of the corridor. The room that is on the other side of it has computer screens showing various rooms, including the one that we were in, covering one of the walls and a large amount of technology that looks as though it was salvaged from Torchwood one. I flinch when I notice a cyber conversion unit on the opposite wall.

Isaiah grabs my shoulder and forces me into a chair in front of a computer that isn't showing anything. It whirrs to life and I quickly access the Torchwood servers. When I log in I use a code word that tells Rose that it isn't me logging in of my own accord and someone is using my password. Thank god for Tosh's security. It will allow me to view files but it won't give me the power to do anything to affect the hub and Rose can also pinpoint my location from it. Hopefully it will provide better results than Tosh's attempt earlier.

"Ok I need everything you've got on aliens affecting memory." Isaiah leans towards the screen as he says this so I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.

I do a search for aliens that can affect memory and about ten known species come up but Isaiah sighs in exasperation, "Why isn't he there," he whispers under his breath, "Do a search for Adam."

I do it quickly and this time only one person comes up. He is listed as an ex-employee and deceased. This wouldn't be too worrying if it didn't say that he had been a member of Torchwood for all of 48 hours before dying and if this hadn't taken place in 2008. I should have known him. Who the hell was he.

"That's more like it."

Isaiah brings up his profile which simply states when he joined Torchwood his date of birth and his death date. There was no spouse listed but he is listed as having been with Tosh. That can't be right either.

"And now that we can remember him he can come back," Isaiah says.

"Who is he?" I ask.

"Well Ianto, I believe that after what he did to you he should be your worst enemy, but of course you don't remember do you. Would you like me to fill in the blanks?"

"What did he do?" Tosh says, seemingly ignoring the gun being held to her head.

"Well why don't you ask him yourself, cyber conversion units can be very useful if you change them up a bit, but I suppose I don't have to tell Ianto that. Of course, Lisa was more of a burden." The only reason that I didn't break his nose after that last comment was the gun to Tosh's head, he is dead.

On the cyber conversion unit, a humanoid figure is flickering into life. As I see his face memories flood over me; Gwen forgetting Rhys, Tosh being taken advantage of and made to remember them being together, Owen being turned into a completely different person, Jack reliving his memories of Gray and me believing that I had killed those women. I see Tosh collapse in tears as she remembers him as well and I feel hot salty tears running down my cheeks as I realise that Jack's pain has only just begun.

A:N/ I'm so sorry for not uploading in forever. My computer broke and I only got it back last week so I've taken a bit of time to get back into writing.

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