Finding Jack

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Ianto's pov

For the first time since we got here I am properly terrified. I know what Adam can do and this time we don't have the cells or retcon to our advantage. He can destroy Jack slowly without him even realising what's going on. For all we know he's already got to work.

Gray keeps letting me see Jack in different scenarios. Almost every door in the corridor leads to either a room in Jack's flat or a live video feed of him. They're forcing him to take part in simulations of Torchwood and see everything that he thinks he's lost over and over again while knowing he can't stay. It's the most sickening form of psychological torture that I can think of. I still don't know when Gray is going to bring us into the mix. He must need us for something other than security, he wouldn't be showing me any of this otherwise. Maybe he's trying to get to Jack through hurting me. Well it's working.

Rose has managed to get through to us again and she has pinpointed the location. Apparently we're in Torchwood one but I don't see how Gray could recreate the entire time agency inside canary wharf. Sure, we had some pretty impressively sized basement levels but no-one could do something like that, could they? Why is it that Torchwood one always seems to be at the root of everything? Even after it was destroyed.

Alec is beginning to lose hope. He has a picture of Magnus which was in his wallet before we got taken and it's clear that he misses him like mad and is worrying about what Magnus thinks has happened to him. Rose said that she will try to get in contact but how likely is it that Magnus will believe her? Who would believe someone that turns up at your door and tells you that your boyfriend has been kidnapped by his boss' evil brother from the future. However she did manage to contact Rhys. He's asked his parents to look after Anwen and he's helping Rose. They're going to go to London and investigate the Torchwood one building with Martha and Mickey despite Gwen's protests. Rose thinks they should open the subwave network to try and find others as they don't know what they are facing but I reminded her that Donna Noble had her memory wiped, the Ponds are trapped back in time, River Song hasn't been heard from in years and Clara is dead. Torchwood likes to keep tabs on anyone who knows the doctor and there is no-one left other than us, Martha, Mickey and Rose. In other words, we're screwed. Even UNIT is no use since we severed all ties.

We've been here for about two weeks now according to Rose but we spent the first few days in a simulation while we were taken here. My immortality theory got tested when I tried to jump a guard on the second day but other than that and when we found out what is going on yesterday, every day has just been the same routine of get up, eat, see Jack, try to contact Rose, sleep. The only reason that I can keep track of the days is through Jack's training schedule. It was simulation day today which means that it was Tuesday. It is also the day that the others are meant to be trying to get into Torchwood one.

Tosh somehow still has her earpiece. Apparently she keeps a spare one under a very strong perception filter. It used to give Jack headaches whenever he got too near to it so she usually kept it under about five layers of clothing. Luckily she had it on her when we were taken and they didn't find it. She has it working now and she's using it to stay in contact with the others. They are outside canary wharf. Mickey and Martha are trying to find a way to get in while Rose and Rhys have gone into the main part of the building which is used for offices. We think that we are in the basement of the building which was supposedly sealed by Torchwood three after Torchwood one fell. There's still some pretty sophisticated stuff down here that Jack couldn't destroy or get out of the building so I guess that that's how Gray is running his simulations and using whatever perception filters and cloaking devices to make Jack believe that he is really in the time agency.

Tosh receives a message from Martha saying that her and Mickey have found an entrance at the back of the building that they know goes straight to the basement from the information I gave them earlier. The only problem is that it needs a combination to unlock it and Tosh had her decoding equipment with her when we were taken so we can't get hold of it. Instead, Martha sends Rose back to the SUV so that she can decode it from there using the contact lenses and limited decoding software that the SUV holds. It takes what feels like an eternity but eventually Martha tells Tosh that her and Mickey are in. Tosh hands me the earpiece, making sure I'm in the blind spot, and tells me to take it from here as I know the building best. I quickly tell Martha that they should now be in a lift with two buttons and a panel below them. The two buttons lead to the two basements that don't require special permission to get to. The panel conceals a button to a third basement which is far bigger and is where all of the leftover special equipment from Torchwood one was left. I think that this is where Gray is keeping us and Jack because it's the only one that even comes close to being big enough to put this together. I also explain that I think Jack has been drugged or something as he has pretty much accepted his situation and the normal Jack would have put two and two together by now.

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