The dark

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I wake up. I guess that I do anyway. I'm surrounded by darkness on all sides. One of my shoulders is pressed into a cold, metal surface. My legs feel as though they have run for miles as my muscles are aching constantly but my upper body seems fine. I attempt to move the arm that isn't trapped under me and manage to push myself onto my back. I sit slowly, sharp pains ripping through my skull and reach around me, searching for something, anything to tell me that I am somewhere, that I'm still alive. Oh god, what if I got trapped in the place after death, Jack said it was still possible, even for him.

I touch something warm. "Hello?" I call, "Is there someone there?" The thing under my hand moves and I hear a grunt. "Owen?"

"Ianto? Is that you? Oh God, where the hell are we?" Owen's voice comes out of the darkness and I begin to feel calmer, I'm not alone.

"I don't know, is there anyone else near you?" I ask, "Tosh, Jack, Gwen, Alec... anyone?"

I hear Owen moving before a string of swear words unfurl from him mouth.

"I've got a stinking headache," he grumbles before I hear him fumbling around."

"Don't go anywhere, I don't want us getting lost." I say, although surely we are lost anyway.

I feel for others on my other side but no-one is there. Owen however, yells that he has found someone and I hear Gwen yell at him to get off. Well that's Gwen accounted for then.

"Ok guys, we need to find Jack, Tosh and Alec. They must be here somewhere. We must stay together though, ok?" I hope that I sound more confident than I am.

Gwen and Owen mutter agreements. We are all close enough to not lose each other as soon as we get up but Owen nearly collapses again because of the fact that he still doesn't have feeling in his legs. Me and Gwen hold him up and we slowly shuffle forward, being careful not to walk into anything, just in case we hurt any of the others.

Gwen hears it first, crying. She directs me and Owen towards it and we soon find the source, Alec. The poor guy's only been in Torchwood for a few weeks. Tosh was with him which just leaves Jack. The last thing I remember is Jack collapsing back in the hub. We must have been drugged.

We keep going calling out for Jack every so often. Rose hadn't come into Torchwood yet, maybe she's ok and can help us somehow.

Wherever we are is either very big or we are walking in circles, there doesn't seem to be anything in here but there must be a door or something. There must be.

Eventually we are forced to give up on looking for Jack and we all sit. We stay near each other for fear of losing each other and we all try to stay awake but eventually even I slip into sleep.

We are woken by light. I blink for a while, trying to get my eyes to adjust. Eventually I am able to see that we are in a huge room with steel flooring and concrete walls. It is completely bare apart from two sets of bunk beds on the opposite side of the room, they each have a set of clothes on them and one of the bottom bunks is a double. It has Owen's lab coat and some of Tosh's clothing on it, I guess someone is playing us. I turn to the others and we all agree that we should probably go over to the beds. I find a suit that is Jack's favourite. Gwen finds her wedding dress and Alec finds something belonging to his boyfriend. Someone really is playing us.

Tosh is the only one whose clothes seem of no significance, until I realise that it is what she was wearing when she died.

A:N/ i know that the ending is quite abrupt but i didn't really know how to end it.

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