"Uh, great." He whined.

"Okay, what's your idea, smart guy?"

"Wh-Wh-What do you mean? Don't ask me that! You're the one with the plans on how to escape. - Wait, I-I have an idea." Chat started to signal Kim. But the guard looked at him in suspicion.

"No more games sir Agreste." The guard slammed the cell door with the staff and walked away.

Chat mournfully shakes his head. "After all, I'd done for that pompous brother of mine. Teaching him the ways of the gun, and even teaching him the secret handshake. Oh well, we're making the night plan of yours a little earlier." Chat eyes gleamed a glowing green.

To Nino's surprise, Chat does the unthinkable. It takes some rough twisting and yanks, but he manages to slip his hands through the rusted cuffs and climbs to his feet. He stretches out his arms, wringing out the stiffness in his joints and cracks his neck. Rotating his shoulders, Chat wanders around the cell, palming at the smooth wall, gently knocking at different sections until he hears a different noise from the other knocks. He grins, nods, and comes towards Nino. Chat digs into his back pocket, revealing a tiny threading needle. "I'm breaking us outta here. You up for a quick take over?"

Nino sighs, relieved when his first wrist is freed. "If you were able to escape, why didn't you before?"

"I was waiting for the opportune moment to spring out on ole' captain, he talking to Marinette, so it means I've waited long enough for him to be distracted." Chat leans into Nino's face, examining him for impossibly close. "Nowhere the plan for our escape.." Chat grin then return returns to the section of wall where he'd tested its integrity and gave another couple firm knocks. This time, an almost soft, audio rap returns in a musical pattern. Chat smirks proudly, "Perfect, let's go."

"W-Wait a sec," Tortuga shuffles over to the pirate captain, minding his footing over the loose chains and dry straw laying everywhere. "What was that?"

"The signal of course. Keep up, junior. Help is on his way"Chat presses his back to the wall next to the door, beckoning Chat to follow his example and pointed at the doorway. A black cat pounce down the stairs.

Nino looked at Chat with a disbelief look, "The saltwater finally got into your head! Your going mad!"

"It's Plagg! Don't you remember he locked us in the storage room?" Chat eye-rolled at Nino's comment, "He can get us out."

"He is a Stupid Cat! They can't actually listen!" Tortuga whined then a set of keys flew into his head."OWWWW! Who threw that?!"

The cat hissed in response and Chat answered, "The stupid cat. Now quit playing around. We got a treasure to go after and being grounded isn't going to stop me."

Tortuga started to mumble annoyingly as they start to leave," We're going to have to rely on stealth for this to work." Chat comments as he started to unlock the cell doors of his other crew member while they stay put. They heard a noise of nearby stomping of guards coming down to check on the prisoners. Chat and Tortuga quickly stood on the side of the doorway. The guards came in and were surprised as Tortuga and Chat tackle the guards unconscious. Chat sent Nino to release the rest of the crew and plan to attack when he gets Marinette. He poked his head out for any signs of coming guards. Seeing none, he took the first right down the corridor, moving swiftly. Chat suddenly slams his back against the wall. Someone's coming. From the sounds of their footsteps, it's a hefty, slow fellow. He wasn't alone. Someone of equal weight and size was with him. The brutes came around the corner and within seconds, Chat subdued them both. They fell to the floor in a heap. Chat walked over the two, reaching in their holsters for their guns. He unbuckles the holster off one and ties them both to the wall. Chat inspects the two weapons before tucking one into the waist of his pants "Not as good as mine but it'll have to do." Chat whistles, impressed as he thought of an idea to take a jacket to blend into uniform before leading the way down the corridor. He reaches a door and picks the lock. It slips open and he rushes inside. The interior's aligned with a bank of paper maps and blueprints, each displaying a particular function of the ship's compartments. Advanced canons, state-of-the-art weapons that could easily rival or overwhelm the marine port authorities, and a slew of other dangerous equipment. "And of course one flaw... the mechanism that if moved can disrupt this ship. Geez Felix you try so hard." Chat examined the maps till he found where the captain quarters was. He quickly went through the hall till he found the captain quarters inside her heard Marinette arguing.

Miraculous Curses of the Mermaid TreasureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang