
"It's true." My brother sighed uncomfortably, "They've been seeking refuge under Isadona's name."

"And you haven't said anything because?"

"Because I can see quite clearly that they don't want to be under your command."


"And Isadona already threatened to castrate me if I told you."

"Letting a woman run your life now?" An Alpha joked. Eric just laughed.

"Have you met the Eldoran Women?"

"This is ridiculous!" Cara's mate suddenly screamed, "You really think this is the time to be joking!? Izzy is about to be the only one left if we don't go find her sister!"

"Ti..." I whispered as I reached out to comfort him. He turned on me with golden eyes.

"Don't touch me." I tried to stop him but he was gone before I could get a single word out. Around the room I started to notice all the worried looks. It was starting to look like they were finally starting to understand what he was feeling.

"I'll go talk to-" the doors flew open with a forceful growl. Isadona was seething, her hands shaking as she fought an internal battle. Eric started to get up from his seat but I stopped him. Everyone just stared as she made her way over to her brother. There was a moment of silence and then Titan was in the air, his feet dangling just a slither off the ground.

"You son of a bítch!" Her wolf growled the sound unnatural and dark, nothing like I've ever heard before, "I've already lost one sibling, and now you want to make me go through the loss of another!?" Titan opened his mouth but his sister never let him speak; instead her fist made a connection that shocked the whole room into silence. "You listen here you little rat! I will not loose anyone else I love. You better send out more men or I will rip away this pack and feed you to the dogs. I will make every nightmare you've ever had, seem like child's play. If you think the pain you felt when Haley died was bad, just you wait till I get my hands on you! I don't care if you are my brother or not, I will not loose Cara. Until she is found Titan, this pack no longer is yours. I am staking my claim!"


"You wanna bet I can't!?" She seethed, "Because I already have half of this pack standing by for a single word and everything you've ever known will fall apart right before you're very eyes! Find my sister and bring her back to me or you will never see the light of day again!" With one last growl, Isadona shoved Titan to the ground. "Eric let's go." My brother snapped to his feet in an instant. His puppy dogs eyes found me in desperation but I shook my head no and slid closer to the Alpha on my right. I was not about to be near the hormonal wolf that was out for blood.

The moment they were gone, Titan cleared his throat bringing the attention in the room onto himself, "I do believe it is time for everyone to go. This meeting is over with." One by one all the Alpha's left the room until it was just Titan and myself. I waited till I knew there was no one listening before I finally spoke my mind.

"You need to find her Titan."

"I know-"

"No, I really don't think you realize the severity of the situation Titan. You have two Alpha's and one very pregnant Luna who are against you right now. Alpha Reagan already knows about this and has informed me that she is on Tiberius's side, and as much as it sucks to hear this but so am I. You are loosing control and all the Alpha's are noticing it. Not to mention that you aren't really doing anything about it and people are starting to wonder if maybe Cara wasn't lying about how you killed Trent. Now that Cara is out of the picture you have no one to challenge you for the Alpha position. I really hope you aren't the one at fault for her disappearance Titan because who ever it is better wish that hell comes for them first..." with a parting nod I left the room in a stone cold silence. Please come home Cara...

A\N: Reminder that these chapters have not been edited yet. Please forgive me for all the mistakes.

Do you think Titan is responsible for Cara's disappearance?

Will Titan loose the pack to Isadona?

Will Isadona loose her baby due to stress?

Will Isadona loose her baby due to stress?

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