The Sorcerer and Her Son >> Witch!Kylo Ren X Reader

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"You must be here for my mother," he commented, chewing on his lip, hair falling into his eyes. His voice was deeper than you'd imagined it to be – it was the voice of a man full grown, not unlike the boy you had grown up watching from the window. "Do you have a name, or shall I tell her there's a little girl here for her?"

You feel a line form between your brows as you frown. "My name is _______," you correct him softly. "My mother is dying; this little girl will do all to save her."

The witch's son Kylo makes no remark to that, and nodding, leaves you standing at the door as he retreats within the house upon the sweet-smelling meadow. You sway where you stand, thinking of what will come of you once you return to home above the shop, of your mother, of the reprimand your father would issue to you. Before too long, the form of Lady Leia appears, her hair in braids wrapped around her head like a cornucopia, a beautiful smile upon her face like an angel of peace.

"Please excuse my son for not inviting you in, we are amidst cleansing for the new season," She smelt faintly of sage, and blueberries, unseasonably so. But she was of magic, and seasons did not listen to weavers of spells. "Your mother is ill?"

You nod. "For as long as I can remember, but she is ailing, she never rises from the bed." You cannot meet Lady Leia's warm gaze as you utter, "I am here against my father's wishes. He would have his wife die rather than healed, but he unswayed by the merits of magic."

The presence of Kylo Ren sets his shadow long, across your own, and he speaks, "If your father knows not of your presence here, you have no way to pay? Or do they pay wages to women now?" His voice is cutting, deep, and if you were taller, you would strike his face. But you cannot reach his height, and instead, ball your fingers into a fist. "I take your silence for pennilessness."

Leia narrows her eyes at her son, "We are not witches of darkness, my son," her voice is sharp, a warning. "Allow the dressmaker's daughter a moment to collect her thoughts before suggesting her soul for collection."

You shivered, and unbidden, your fingers uncoil, and settle upon the ever-fluttering beat beneath your chest. "I am skilled," you exclaim. "I'm not all useless, I can mend, I can weave materials. Please, consider my work a payment, I will do all for my mother." You feel moisture taint your dry eyes.

"I shall accept that as payment." The fair Lady Leia nods, and using a moderate sprig of wood from her hip pocket, waves it. A surge of power rushed through you, streamed through the air around the triad gathered. If you were naive to the ways of magic, which, you most certainly were, you would hazard a guess that it was set. "The deal is fixed. Now, come with me, and tell me of her symptoms, child," pocketing the wand, she beckons for you to follow.

Not three hours later, you are walking the way to the town, holding a slip of parchment close to your chest. You are not alone this journey, as you were earlier – leading you to the hamlet is Kylo Ren, his hands deep in his pockets. You don't seem to be following him, or he you; it is almost like he is like one of those ghosts you had heard of from an old wives' tale, traveling endlessly. Upon his back, he carries a basket for gathering firewood, but it is empty of wood, and instead, ever so often, added to with different herbs and roots from the side of the path.

You are both silent, until you reach the edge of town, standing where the stone meets the grass. You turn to him, the paper tight in your hot hands. "I'm not a stranger to your ways, Kylo Ren," you speak softly, as so not to wake the spirits that linger upon the edge of the forest, as so not to attract the attention of those living nearby in the small town. "I see you and your mother in the square often. I know that I said what I did for payment, but –," you hold your breath, wondering if you are crossing a line here, "I can mend your pants, the ones shredded here," you motion to your legs. "But only if you wish." You add hastily.

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