"True. But I want you too." He runs his fingers through my hair and I bite my lip. He smiles down at me, biting his lip when I bite mine.

"Lou's here." I say softly. I reach over to pull on my sweater but he takes it away from me.

"But only you can suck me off so good baby." My breath catches in my throat as I see how his eyes go from playful to lustful in a split second. I shift in my spot, biting my lip again.

"Callie, not before school. You know better." I smile innocently.

He groans. "Well how do you expect me to hold back when you're looking up at me like that?" He winks. I realize what he means and I give him a seductive smile.

"Sorry." I mumble. I lean forward, kissing his rock hard abs. He groans softly and I run my hands all over his chest. I slip down off of the bed and get down on my knees. I kiss his abs, gripping his hip bones to hold myself in place.

"Stop teasing Theo. I can't wait." He mumbles, fingers gripping my hair tighter.

"Okay babe." I mumble, taking off his towel and letting it fall down to the floor.


School passes by quick. Before I know it, the bell for school to end is ringing and me, Sammy, Gen, and Callie are all walking out together.

"I just have to stop by my house real quick and pick up something. I'll be at the apartment at four." Gen says, walking by me. Sam and Calum were too busy in their own conversation to hear me and G talking.

"Alright. I'm already ready so just do what you like. We'll be on the road at five for sure." I say as Callie entwined his fingers with mine. I look up at him and he smiles down at me.

"You're still riding with me, right?" He says to me, smiling.

"Yeah, I'm the one going to my house real quick to grab some things." G says, looking past me and at Calum.

"Okay." He nods his head.

"So, Cal,....." and him and Sams go back to their own conversation. We get to Callies jeep and we all part. I climb in and Calum gets in the driver's side.

"How long do we have together? Hour thirty?" He says, staring up the jeep. I nod my head, buckling up. "What would you like to do in that time?" He asks, pulling out of our spot.

I reach over and turn up the heater, shivering slightly. "Whatever you want to do baby." I say, not really caring.

We're back at the apartment in less than ten minutes and I quickly feed and walk Lou. When I get back inside, I find Callie sitting down on the couch, phone hiding his face.

I shut the door and hang up Lou's leash. He runs off somewhere, finding his toy probably. I walk up to Callie and I sit down on his lap, pushing his phone away from his face.

"Will you miss me?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Of course I will baby. I always do whenever you leave me." He pouts, his hands going up and down my sides gently. He pulls me closer to kiss him but I dodge.

"Will you think about me?" I put our foreheads together and run my fingers through his hair.

"Yes." He mumbles, going to kiss me again.

"Am I the only one you think of?" I dodge yet again and kiss his forehead instead. I know that if I start kissing him then I won't want to stop and G would be here at any moment.

"Always and forever babe. Always and forever." He says, leaving kisses along my jawline.

"Good. I want to be the only one you think of. Got that?" I say, finally kissing him. I give in and sink into his lap, pressing him back against the couch. I kiss him deeply, knowing that this would be our last moment till tomorrow, when I come back.

My Roommate, The Fukboi (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now