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Fuck. Well, again, I couldn't find the right image for this chapter, but you guys can still guess who's POV this is.

Or myth. I honestly don't really care at the moment.

(Its because I'm bored rn. Totally not you guy's fault)


She knew who she was. A myth. Pure and simple. Her father and brother were the same myths as well. Her mother wasn't though.

Either way, it didn't matter. The myth that her family were not allowed to manifest. If one, even ONE did, it'll spell doom to the entire myth it self. Her father had told her of the "one who broke the rules" a thousand times. She always listened, because her father was always right.

One day, her father was enlisted into the Galaxie Garrison. Her brother as well. One month. One month and her brother and her father would be gone. She didn't want them to go, but then again, her father promised that he'd video call her ASAP when he could.

And that was enough for her.

She lived in Washington, D.C. in the United States her entire life. She would walk around the crowded streets every so often.

The Galaxie Garrison was in Arizona. They always had been. There were mysterious stories following strange alien activity there.

"You know, there is a race called the Galra." Her brother spoke quietly, hoping that their mother didn't find out what they were talking about. "And there is a race called the Alteans. The Alteans are myths, and a special kind. They are Dragons. The Alteans and the Galaxie Garrison promised each other that they would come when there was trouble. One day, the Galaxie Garrison was attacked. The Alteans never came. 15 instructors and 200 students were brutally murdered and killed that day. Always trust you instincts, little sis."

And she always did. She was an expert in advanced technology and hoped to join the Galaxy Garrison in hopes that she could investigate further into the "mysterious aliens".

And she would. Someday.

So, apparently, I like making most of my chapters short. Oh well. Anyways, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter!! The next chapter will be out sometime soon (I hope)!!


Voltron Myths (based off of Chasing Myths by ranchelle on AO3)Where stories live. Discover now