Chapter 28 Tracking

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***********Michael's POV************
After a long day of tracking Katherine, my patrol team and I set up camp at a nearby stream. We laughed a little and bathed in the stream. A few set off to catch the group food to cook over the small fire I had started in the middle of our small camp.
I poked the fire, staring at the mesmerizing flames and coals. I can't stop thinking about Katherine. This is all my fault. If I hadn't rejected her then she wouldn't have ran away and if she hadn't ran away she wouldn't have had to endure through Alpha Thomas's abuse.
A sudden thought donned on me. The texts. Before Katherine ran away, she had been being stalked by a few rouges and had been receiving strange texts. We never did figure out who was sending them. What if.... What if whoever has her now, was the person who was texting her and sending rogues to watch her. That would explain how they knew when to take her and where she would be.
I think back to the day I rejected her. She had been hung up about Ser- I jump up immediately. Sergio. Where has Sergio been all this time. Last I saw him he was packing up to leave on some trip to search for Katherine. That could have been just a story. No wonder he didn't agree with me and her seeing each other. He was in love with her and wanted her for himself. What if it was Sergio who took her?!
I growl lowly as Logan approaches me slowly. He holds out his hands, as if saying he meant no harm. I slowly calm down and shake my head putting my face in my large calloused hands.
Logan slowly rubs my back a little and sits down on a log with me.
"Michael what's wrong?" He asks sincerely.
"Katherine. I think she's been taken by Sergio." I murmur into my hands.
Even though my voice had been muffled, he heard me. He heard every word. Logan slowly starts growling lowly, clenching and unclenching his fists in fury.
"He did WHAT!" He shouts, gaining the attention of nearby patrol team members.
I wave them to pay no attention to Logan and I, as I grab Logan's shoulders facing him to me.
"Logan, calm down. You're scaring the patrollers. Calm down." I use my alpha command and look into his hazel eyes. The internal fire in his eyes slowly calms. He sits down back on the log and runs a frustrated hand through his dirty blond hair. Katherine and her brother seemed to share the same hair, nose and grin. I sadly remember Katherine.

Wherever she is, I hope she's okay.

***********Sergio's POV*************
After discovering Katherine's disappearance, I had a rage fit and killed a few of my men. I angrily instructed the rest of my rouge army to clean up the blood and bodies while I clean up the cabin.
I headed back inside and cleaned out the cabin we had been calling home for months. I've been watching Katherine for a few years now. Ever since I saw her for the first time as she walked into school that fateful day. I knew she had to be mine.
My real mate had died in a car crash. Everyone had said it was an accident. Then after a few months, they started saying that I was crazy, that I had lost my mind. I was kicked from my pack and I found a rogue pack a few towns over. I took control of the rogues and decided to at least try to be normal. I started school at the local high school where I met Katherine.

When I finally had her she escaped me. I growl angrily as I tie the last knot on my bag. Luckily we have a secondary hideout. It's a day's journey away from the cabin so we need to leave soon.
"Hurry up men. It's almost noon. We need to leave now. " I shout to my rogues and they all get into formation after grabbing their designated bags of supplies.
We start off on our long hike to the next hideout quickly. Revenge on the brain, I promise myself to get Katherine, and never let her leave my sight again.
By night fall we set up camp and eat quickly. I lay amongst my troops, and stare at the stars awaiting the signal.

************Payton's POV************
My patrol team and I tracked Katherine's scent for the rest of the day, but after numerous complaints, we finally stopped and rested. We set up camp near a clearing and a few of my men had brought or caught food for the group.
We ate silently, the loss of our greatest tracker being a big problem at hand. Katherine had been not only our best fighter, but also our best tracker. I think my team had realised that too, as they were all trying their hardest to track half as good as Katherine could.

After eating a small diner, my patrol team and I laid out under the stars and tried to sleep. It is still strange to me, not having anyone sleeping next to me.
Before I had Katherine, I had Amanda. Amanda was my real mate. She rejected me to be with some human man in Europe. I was devastated. That's why I am so rough on Katherine. I can't bear the thought of losing her too.

After I was sure my team was asleep, I snuck out to the meadow nearby. I pulled out my flashlight I had been given. I flash Morse code into the night sky and wait. Then flash out the signal again. After repeating the message a few times, a shadow appeared in the line of forestry. I wait expectantly for the figure to come to me.
Soon I can see his evil, crooked smile, as he stands in front of me obediently.
"Nice to see you could make it." I say, grinning slightly.
He smiles a little and sticks put his hand. I shake it quickly, his grip strong.
"Yeah well we've got a problem Mr. Alpha." He says grimly.

I glare, "what problem?" I ask ferociously.
"She escaped." He growls lowly.
I grab the front collar of his dark t-shirt. Growling loudly in his face, I spit out,"then find her."
Sergio flinches and shoves me away,
" What do you think I'm doing, I am looking for her. First my army has to set up at our next hideaway and we're golden. She can't hide from me for long." He says straightening out his crumpled shirt.

"I only agreed to team up with you because, you have those rogues at your disposal. Remember, if you catch her, you do not touch her. Wait till night fall and signal me. Stick to the plan. We share her." I grit out and spin on my heel, leaving the meadow and Sergio standing, watching me leave.

I head back to my team and fall asleep dreaming of sweet Katherine Bellcourt in my arms.

************Katherine's POV********
I wake up, groggy and sore. I guess using my powers for such a strenuous amount of time, it's just like working out a muscle.
I get out of bed and take a long hot shower. The warm steam assisting me in my attempts to clear my thoughts.
I scrubbed my aching muscles with the warm water and sighed. Today we learn water techniques. The problem with that, is that I don't know how long I have here. There's no way Sergio is just gunna, let me go. He's probably looking for me right now. I need to learn quickly so I can overcome him and continue my training.
I hurry to dress in my black converse and a navy blue t-shirt with jean shorts, and head out for breakfast.

I find John and Linda sitting at the kitchen table, murmuring softly to each other. Lines of worry and distress clear on their faces.
"But I don't think-" Linda started and stopped talking as she realised I had entered the dinning room.
John clears his throat and looks me up and down.
"Ready for harnessing the rest of the elements all in one day kath?" He asks.
I stare confused, and amazed. I don't think I can. I was so weak from learning just one in one day. Let alone three. I sigh and nod.
"But... why exactly do I have to learn all three in one day?" I sit down.

John looks over to his wife uneasily,
" Well we have heard word from.. a source. That they are coming. What we are training you for. They're coming." He looks down to me as I take in this new information.
This gigantic danger to wolf kind is coming. For me.
"Wait. 'They'? What do you mean 'they'?"
I wait eagerly for my answer. Linda sighs and gently takes my hand.

"Katherine, sweety, there's something we haven't told you. About the prophecy. The prophecy means that, it's a group. No one really knows anymore than what we do. Whoever this group is, they want... well they want you. The prophecy states that the danger, well, they know of your powers and they want you and your power to themselves. The strange thing about the prophecy, is that, the prophecy stops in a strange spot." She explains.
My jaw slowly drops as she goes through her strenuous explanation.
"What? What do you mean?" I ask slowly.
"Well..." she looks over to John.
"What she means is that.. well the prophecy doesn't state who they are, or if they ever get you." John states and pushes a plate of breakfast over to me.

Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore, and I push the plate of eggs and stood from the wooden table. I silently leave the egg smelling kitchen, and walk outside to the training grounds from yesterday.
Whoever you are.
I know you're coming.
And I will terminate you before you harm anyone.
I stretch myself rigorously, ready for a fight. This ends now.

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