Chapter 2 Alpha Boy

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********** Hey Reader! I hope you enjoy my story; I was wondering if you could help me succeed by clicking that vote button! Sharing my book with friends would just make my day! I hope you enjoy the latest chapter!
-The author

"All right ladies and gentlemen, you know the drill. Whichever team wins, gets to leave first. I want clean dodgeball out there, no cheating. Boys v.s Girls. Split up!" yelled Mr. Shoeman, our young gym teacher. A lot of the girls thought he was hot, with his chiseled jaw, orangish brownish hair, deep soothing voice, and not to mention his pretty brown eyes. Despite his looks, I didn't like him like that; I had my eyes on some one else, and no matter how much I wished I could get him off my mind, I couldn't. Sadly enough, Michael wasn't in my gym class, but two of his jock friends were. Trever, and Andy. Both were jerks, and both seemed to have his eye on us, which worried me. 


The whistle blew, and everyone scrabbled for dodge balls lined down the middle of the room. I got a couple of the guys out, and noticed Trever aiming for me; I couldn't move fast enough, and he nailed me in the head with wolf strength. The ball slammed into my head like a bullet, and I fell into the floor. I remember, before I fell, seeing Rowan charge at Trever, and hearing a door slam open. Right before I closed my eyes, I heard a man, who sounded angry enough to kill, yell something, although I couldn't identify who it was. He walked by me and towards Trever; or was it Rowan, who was currently about to punch him in the face. I can't quite remember which came first anymore. After that it was all black.

I woke up in the nurse's office. I was on the uncomfortable plastic bed, and a blue curtain was drawn around me so I couldn't see anything else in the room. I looked around dazed. What happened? I asked myself, and got out of the uncomfortable bed. As I rose, I got dizzy but I tried to walk anyway. I took an uneasy step and opened the ugly sea green-blue curtain. All around me was a bright light, causing me to wince before looking around the small room.

"Oh look, she's awake! Hello, honey, how are you feeling," I heard a sincere voice say to the left of me, "are you okay? You had quite a fall. Can you hear me? Hello?" I tried to respond but, instead I collapsed and strong arms behind me intercepted my fall before the world went black again.

I saw a wolf, it was black and had large, powerful legs. He stood tall and proud, the wind pushing his fur around little into the deep blue green eyes. The wolf's size told me he was a pack leader, an alpha wolf. We were in the woods somewhere and I reached out to pet his soft head. As I reached hesitantly for his head, he snapped up and bit my hand. I let our a blood-cuddling scream as the long, sharp fangs dug into my flesh. My blood began to pool in his mouth and it spilled onto the forest floor. I awoke screaming, and looked around my surroundings, afraid.

"Hey! Hey! You're alright; you're fine." I heard a calming male voice say to me.

I was back in the nurses office in the plastic bed. I looked around wildly, my knotted hair getting into my face, and I began mumbling.

"Wh-wh-where am I?" I asked hoarsely.

"You're in the nurses office, you blacked out in gym. Remember?" a deep, irritated voice said.

My memories came pouring back. I was in gym and Trever hit me in the head with a dodgeball, hard, and I blacked out.

"Oh no, Rowan must be furious! I have to find her I have to calm her down!" I tried to get out of the thin bed, but a strong hand pushed me back down.

It was warm, almost electric. I pushed off the large hand and as the tingles stopped I got up and ran out the door. Okay, now where am I? I looked around I saw two hallways, both lined with classroom doors. I ran down one that seemed the most familiar, and turned to look behind me, causing me to accidentally run into a passing student. Her books flew to the floor and she cried out in anger.

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