Whats up buttercup?

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Saskia's POV

"So I am finally doing a sit down, just talk to the camera kinda video" I spoke to my camera "as you guys know I've been extremely busy with the musical and well we are unfortunately been coming to the end of the run so I'm going to be having more time on my hands to make the videos that I love doing" I smiled. "So I'm just going to usher myself back into this by doing a simple QnA"

What was your first thought when you met Sam?

"Wow there were so many thoughts going through my head, but like my main one was like try and act like you're not extremely gassed that you are going to be working with him basically every day"

Who is one person in the world you can tell anything to?

"100 percent Mark, I mean that kid is just so genuine and down to earth so yeah, him"

What are you going to be doing after the show finishes?

"Well I recon first I'm just gonna chill out for a bit because hell it is stressful doing 8 shows a week, and then I'm not sure really, I'm just gonna see what opportunities come up" I shrugged. I answered a load more questions and then edited my video. This took up most of my day so by the time I was finished it had already gone half past 4.

"Hey, can you come to the offices?" My manager Jess asked me as I picked up my phone.

"Erm yeah sure, see you in 15" I smiled and hung up my phone. I didn't bother changing I just threw on a baby pink puffer coat over my grey tracksuit bottoms and white vest top. I jumped into my car and drove to the offices.

"what's up?" I asked Jess as I arrived at the offices.

"So I have been given an offer that you just can't say no too" she clapped.

"Go on?" I smiled intrigued.

"So MTV have contacted us about this new show of theirs called Just Tattoo Of Us, and well they want new and fresh talent to host the show so well they have asked about you!" She announced.

"Oh my god are you serious!!" I clapped excited. "A whole show of my own?!" I said.

"No I mean, you are going to be hosting it with Jack which is even better of course as you two are mates so you wont have to like work on like well acting like you don't really know each other and well it will eliminate the risk of you two not liking each other" she explained. Well this couldn't of been a worse outcome to be honest, and I can't say no now as I've acted so excited about it. Fuck.

"Well what has Jack said about this?" I asked her hoping that she would say he wasn't keen.

"He's totally keen" she smiled. Fuck. "He said that because he will be hosting it with you he is 100% in" she added. Of course Jack would say that.

"Oh okay, well yeah sure sounds good" I lied.

"Great, so if you come back tomorrow we will have the contracts ready to sign"

"Great, so erm see you tomorrow" I smiled and left the building. I walked straight to the theatre that we were playing at tonight and it is our last week of performing this show so all of us our pretty tired and just want an early night to be honest.

"What's up?" Hayley came and sat next to me whilst I was going through all my lines.

"So basically MTV have contacted my manager and they want me to host this show" I began.

"Oh wow that's amazing!" She congratulated me.

"But the problem is I'm going to host it with Jack" I added.

"Oh right erm yeah okay that's not so good" she then responded in a totally different tone.

"I just don't know whether to tell Sam or not" I huffed. Since me and Sam have been dating obviously I've told him about Jack and how he treated me and well to put it nicely, he now hates him.

"Well you're gonna have to aren't you" she laughed. "If you're going to be on the telly with him"

"Oh yeah didn't really think of that one?" I replied back with sarcastically.

"What's up buttercup?" Sam then came over to me and began to massage my shoulders. Hayley then got up and left so Sam sat down on that vacant seat.

"So well, I've had this offer" I began and explained the whole show concept.

"Wow Sas! That's amazing!" He congratulated me.

"Yeah the thing is, they have asked Jack to be my co-host" I gulped knowing that the reaction I was going to get was not going to be good. "They just think we're good friends so they said that the chemistry will be good between us or whatever" i added as he didn't reply.

"Oh right okay, that's a good opportunity" he smiled, slightly unenthusiastically. "So you're going to do it?"

"Well like you said it's a good opportunity" I gulped.

"Well if Jack does do anything to you, you come tell me straight away" he winked.

"Don't you worry" I giggled back and then we went through our lines.

Jacks POV

When I got this news about this new show I was over the moon, however once I found out that I have to host it with Saskia it well just made the opportunity 10 times better. See Saskia hasn't been paying me much attention since my bitch fit and since Sam has come about so having this show with her will she will just have to pay attention to me.

To go to the offices I changed into a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms and a matching tracksuit top. I made sure I had my wallet and keys and then decided I would walk to the offices.

"Ah the man himself" I man said as I walked into the room, a couple of minutes later then organised. There were some people I knew, some people I haven't seen before and Saskia. A couple of directors and producers described the idea of the show and what it will be aired and when recording will start.

"So Saskia's last show is next week so filming will start that Thursday, there are no scripts to be sent out as we want to see your real self and real reactions to when the tattoos are revealed. The couples will arrive at lunch time and then that's when filming will start so get to the studios around 10 for hair and make up to be done. Remember this is a big show and we have actual celebrities coming on this show and this is going to be broadcasted on MTV so we need your 100 percent commitment." The main producer finally went through everything and then finally Saskia and myself signed the documents.

"Wow, I'm so lucky I get to see your pretty face every day" i joked to Saskia as we were leaving the offices.

"If you think I am doing this because I want to work with you" she laughed.

"You say that now, but trust me by the end of recording, you will have a changed mind" I smirked.

"I don't know what you're smirking at, I have a boyfriend oh wait and you are a complete asshole"

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