Good things come to those who wait

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Saskia's POV

I have never been so mad in my life before. Who does Jack Maynard think he is, chatting my name behind my back when in fact he had absolutely nothing to do with me or my life. I stormed down the streets of Chelsea and called Mark.

"Mark meet me at Westminster in 10" I said in an angry tone.

"Erm right erm okay I'm leaving now" he said back in a panicked tone obviously realising my anger. I walked all the way to Westminster and found Mark outside McDonald's.

"What's up?" He said sympathetically. I explained the story to him in detail with multiple swear words in between.

"I can't believe he said all of that" Mark said extremely shocked. "And for you to hear all of it oh god" he added.

"I hate him so much Mark" I shook my head.

"Just leave it Sas, I mean you have Sam now and this musical and all your friends" Mark said supportively.

"Yeah, but he just ruins it all" I rolled my eyes. Mark and I decided the go grab some lunch at McDonald's and then I decided I would take him along to the rest of rehearsals to meet everyone else and to have a sneak preview of the performance.

"Don't say anything to Sam though, I don't want him to think he has to deal with extra agg and then like not like me anymore" I explained to Mark before we went in.

"Gotcha" he smiled and then opened the door for me. I thanked him and led him to the stage where everyone was rehearsing. Mark found a seat and I went up to the stage to carry on rehearsing.

"Wow I'm so excited to see this!" Mark clapped as rehearsals finished. We only rehearsed a certain scene so it didn't spoil anything for Mark.

"Thank you!" I smiled back. It wasn't late, only half 7 so Mark, Hayley, Sam, Tommy and I decided we would go out to this little cocktail bar near Westminster to get some drinks. We all hopped into an über and made our way there.

"Oh god, you've still got parts of your moustache on your face" Sam laughed and then wiped part of my face with his hand.

"oh thank you" I giggled. Even though I see Sam basically every day of the week, he still makes me feel like the first day I met him.

"So are you guys official yet?" Mark decided to make the situation very awkward.

"Good things come to those who wait" Sam smirked and tapped his nose with his first finger. I smiled to myself hoping that this was like some hidden message saying that he was going to ask me soon but trying not to get your hopes up is harder then it sounds.

The cocktail bar was just like any other bar in London, full of posh 18 plus year olds who want to be Instagram famous. Sam and Tommy went to go get everyone a drinks, so Mark, Hayley and I got a table for us all.

"Hey Mark thanks for that one in the cab" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, you can expect me to not say anything" Mark then laughed. "And come on, it's not like it was a bad answer or anything" he then smirked.

"He is definitely going to ask you out soon" Hayley smiled. "You two are going to be the best looking couple since well forever!" She then clapped.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Sam and Tommy then came over with our drinks.

"Oh erm just Mark and this girl" I said quickly before Mark could embarrass me.

Jacks POV

"So guys" Saskia began speaking to us all "the opening show is tomorrow and then red carpet starts an hour before the show"

"And red carpet means big dresses!" Zoe clapped who has come up from Brighton for the event.

"Unfortunately for me no" she half laughed. "I'll be walking down as my character; nicely nicely Johnson. Which means a gangster suit and fake moustache for me" she frowned.

"Doesn't make much of a difference then" I sniggered to myself. Ever since she caught me having that rant about her, I haven't bothered holding myself back with stupid and unnecessary comments about her to annoy her. But so has she.

"And then the after party is at Cirque le Soir and it's free drinks for all" she ignored my comment and clapped. "I've sent everyone a message about it so I have to quickly run to last minute rehearsals and I'll probably see you all tomorrow" she smiled and said bye to everyone.

"I'm excited now" Mark clapped.

Tonight was the night of the musical premiere and to be honest I'm surprised I'm invited really. I'm sure it's just because she doesn't want to cause any drama because let's face it; the viewers notice everything. I changed into my new favourite yellow jumper and some black jeans. I finished the outfit with my pair of Adidas trainers and and white baseball cap. I couldn't be less excited for tonight. Saskia is going to be getting all the attention and then Sam is going to ask her to be 'official' even though they post a picture together every day.

We started of the night with a quick game of beer pong, and to be fair drinking is what is going to get me through this whole night

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We started of the night with a quick game of beer pong, and to be fair drinking is what is going to get me through this whole night. And I knew that. Our über quickly arrived after our session of beer pong so us guys jumped into a total of 3 cars between us and made our way to the West End.

Saskia was already on the red carpet with Hayley doing some interviews. She was wearing a black and white suit with a white shirt and black suspenders. She was also wearing an old styled New York gangster hat with the outfit and a comically drawn on moustache. After she finished the interview that she was doing and came over to us.

"I'm glad you all made it!" She smiled and gave us all hugs but mine was noticeably weaker.

The musical was okay as musicals go. It wasn't anything special. I heard the critics talking as they were in the row infront of us; they were saying how Saskia's solo was the highlight of the night and how her and Sam's 'stage relationship' was portrayed amazingly. All that shit.

We made it to the club and we all knew that his club was Mikey and mines favourite club in London, but the fact that we were here celebrating Saskia just made it my least favourite club in probably the whole of England.

"Erm hello everyone!" The music stopped and everyone turned to see Sam standing on the stage talking through the microphone. "I would just like to say on behalf of everyone thank you for coming and supporting us all through this really stressful time for everyone. And well I would personally like to thank Saskia. We have been rehearsing now for a couple of months and I couldn't of wished for a hotter best friend" he joked but I didn't find it very funny. "Saskia we have had multiple arguments about how we should say one line, arguments about how a New York accent sounds and arguments over what way we should stand on stage but these arguments have made me crave you even more. So well erm Saskia, Be my girlfriend?" He finished his stupid cringe speech and of course everyone cheered and clapped. Including all my 'mates'

"For fuck sake Jack, its mot hard to act happy is it now?" Conor rolled his eyes and then walked off with Joe after of course Saskia said yes to Sam.

"You could of done better" I walked over to Saskia who was at the bar.

"What you now think you're better then Sam?" She spat "I think that's the funniest thing I've ever heard you say" she added

"Naaa not about that" I smirked. "I recon you're suit could of been a bit tighter on the cute butt of yours" I winked and bit my lip. "Oh and yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm better then Sam"

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