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Excitement pulsed through his veins. She told me who Ladybug is, she's even in his class. How did he not see it before?!

Now that he knows its so obvious!

Same hair color blueish-black same hairstyle low pigtails, same eye color bright blue, and their personalities though not the same fairly similar.

When she told him she knew who Ladybug was... well he felt like a child on Christmas (Sorry if you don't do Christmas, it's just a figure if speak) he was so excited.

As happy as he is about knowing who Ladybug is... he can't help but be a little worried Friday (Y/n) told him who Ladybug is, but he hasn't seen her at all.

They normally meet every night it's Monday now and he hasn't talked to her since Friday.

Shaking his head to clear his mind of thoughts he walked into his classroom.

She isn't here, the male frowned as he looked at (Y/n)'s empty spot.

Today is Monday (Y/n) and Marinette walk to school together every Monday.

He sat down thinking, Marinette is here but (Y/n) isn't.

Nino looked at him, "Hey!"

He smiled, "Hey, Nino," he turned and waved to Alya and Marinette, "Hey, Alya. Hey, Marinette."

Marinette tensed and weakly waved back, "Hi."

Ayla nodded, "Hey."

He looked back to (Y/n)'s seat then back to the girls, "Where's (Y/n)?"

Alya tensed but didn't say anything.

She knows something.

Marinette frowned, "She wasn't at her house this morning."

"What time is it?" Alya asked.

The teen looked at his phone, "7:25."

Alya nodded but once again didn't say anything.

Marinette noticed, "Alya?"

"Hmm?" The wavy-haired female answered.

"What's wrong?"

Ayla pulled out her phone and stared at the time, "I can only tell you at lunch."

Marinette pouted, "Why at lunch,"

Alya put her phone away, "She made me promise."

He looked forward as out teacher walked in.

He didn't know why but his gaze kept going to the spot (Y/n) is supposed to sit.

~Time Skip~

Nino, Marinette, and the green-eyed teen sat with Alya. She had her phone out muttering, 'answer,' over and over and over again.

"Well? Where is she?" He asked.

Ayla didn't look up, "She moved... to America."

"She what?!" Marinette yelled.

The male stayed quiet, a wave of emotion crashed down on him.

He felt dizzy as emotions like pain, loss, and sadness rushed through him.

Pain for that fact she didn't say goodbye.

Sadness for the fact she's gone, and he might never see her again.

But loss he didn't understand, he cares about her true but he feels like half of himself is gone.

For him to be Happy (Chat Noir x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें