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"He said that he loves me," she whispered softly.

I know, "Do you believe him?"

"I'm... I'm not sure."

I can tell, "Naturally."

"What do you think I should do?"

What do I think?... why would she ask... me, I glanced at her, tightening my hair which is in a long wavy black ponytail.

I can't tell her to do anything, I can suggest and guide her into the right direction- or maybe the wrong direction- I can't tell her, 'Take/Don't take a chance on the just/unjust game of love. It's easy/hard, it is open/mystery, it is worth the time/time consuming, it is full of good/painful surprises.'

She has to decide, she has to choose to believe him or not, I can't choose that for her.

We got to our classroom, sighing I spoke to her softly and walked into class. I took my seat, looking out the window I thought to myself.

He seemed sincere... but I don't know, it could be just joke, but it could be real...

I closed my eyes and whispered what I told  (Y/n), "Unfortunately for you... that is entirely up to you. I can't help you with that choice. That choice was asked and made for you and you alone to answer."

~No one Point of View~

Being left to decided something by yourself is hard.

Normally people go to their friends for help, but how can you go to your friends for a choice that will decide your future.

No one can tell you what will happen for each choice.

No one can guide you to the perfect future.

But people think that others can lead them to the perfect life.

So when a choice comes up that could change everything they always go to someone else.

But in the end, they have to decide.

If you make a choice you have to stick to it, you don't get to start over.

Life isn't a video game you can't save your progress before you do something.

You can't just start again if you choose wrong.

You don't have all the time in the world.

So if you had to choose would you choose out if these two choices what would you chose:

Route A: A forested area with all the freedom in the world


Route B: A mountain area where you have many challenges.

Many would pick Route A just because it's easy, but both paths have downsides.

Route A: Loneliness, lack of shelter, lack of warmth, lack other people.


Route B: possibility of getting lost, maybe stuck there forever, lack of people, lack of warmth.

If given the choice would you choose freedom or captivity?

Would you choose love or Family/Friends?

Would you choose freedom in the forest or captivity in the mountains?

Everyone has a different answer, so who am I to ask?

~(Y/n) Point of View~

Closing my eyes I sighed, Destiny words replayed in my head, "Unfortunately for you... that is entirely up to you. I can't help you with that choice. That choice was asked and made for you and you alone to answer."

My heart squeezed, if my friends can't help then why do I feel like an idiot. I don't know what to do.

I opened my eyes and stared at the board blankly, I've helped my friends make decisions, so why is it so hard for me to make a decision.

Is it perhaps because it was never my problem with my friends?

Maybe it's because deep down I know Destiny's right, this is my choice.

Not her's, not Logan's, not Bela's, not Meghan's, not Blake's, not Markas's, not Dakota's, mine.

My choice... their input would though.

Would it really?

Did my input really help my friends or did they just ask because I was there to ask?

I guess it didn't because at the end of the day it was up to them to choose what to do.

The two options in front of them gave them small doses of fear.

The fear of making choices on their own.

My eyes widened, but there isn't just two.

There is a third option (and no readers it's not panic or killing yourself), an elusive third option.

Three options.

Option one: don't forgive him and don't date him.

Option two: forgive him and date him

And the last option.

Option three: start again as friends.

Option one would be like losing more than I already have.

Option two would be like forgetting that he passed me over.

Option three would be like giving him a chance to show that what he said was true but making sure he doesn't go too far with it.

Three options to choose from but one seems better than the rest.

~No one Point of View~

Choosing won't be easy but it won't be easy either.

Love is like a Jenga you have to play the right blocks otherwise the entire tower will fall.

You say the wrong things, do the wrong things, or avoid the truth and the base of your relationship will fall.

Crumble like the tower of blocks.

Think of Love itself as Jenga and the bases for love as a pyramid.

Trust in a relationship is the very base the bottom and biggest piece of the pyramid, Friendship is next the second biggest, then comes Honesty and Loyalty, then comes the ability to have Fun, then comes Love, and the last thing is Gifts.

Love is not bought it's earned, it's worked for whether or not the person realizes they're working/ earning it.

In love, people think that there are only two ways to go.

But if someone looks hard enough another option will become clear.

Sometimes the option of giving up on life itself seems like the 3 option but that's not it.

Route A: the forest.

Route B: the mountain

And Route C: the plain.

Almost done.


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