Mysteries of Wicca

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Mysteries of Wicca

Written By: Ryan

Edited By: Jochelle ( love_creativity)

Banner By: Amanda (Amandale04 )

The existence of magic has been disputed for centuries, and there are countless beliefs explaining magic itself. Does magic and witchcraft exist? While we can't really say, we can always explore beliefs in magic, a good example being Wicca. And no, it has nothing to do with Harry Potter (this time).

In short, Wicca is a branch of Paganism that loves and respects Nature above all, and wants to live peacefully with Nature. Paganism is best described as a religion that is not one of the mainstream religions, and usually believes in some sort of nature power. Wiccans also believe in and sometimes practice witchcraft. Of course, there's a lot more to the Craft and practices vary between individuals. Like the Ten Commandments of Christianity, Wicca also has a moral code they live by, that can be summed up into eight words: If it harms none, do what you will. This is called the Wiccan Rede.

Wicca began in the early 19th century, but really gained popularity in the mid-20th century, with the introduction of modern Wicca, also known as Gardnerian Wicca (named for Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern Wicca). According to the church and school of Wicca, they have sympathy for "those burnt in the medieval period" as well as all those who have been "oppressed and killed in the name of religion."

Unfortunately, it's too easy to confuse Wicca with traditional witchcraft. While Wicca is a religion that also practices witchcraft, traditional witchcraft itself is not a religion. Traditional witchcraft encompasses the practicing of astrology, divination (reading the future), spell-casting, spirit communication, and demonology (study of demonic belief). Traditional witches are also free to believe in anything they wish, and are free to practice religion. Many are inclined to practice Satanism, but many others also practice Santeria, Hoodoo, and more.

In summary, even though Wicca has nothing to do with Harry Potter, it IS a religion that practices witchcraft and believes in a higher power. Interestingly enough, it's also one of the newer religions that's somewhat beginning to make its name in our world.


TSZ Magazine: April 2017 (Issue #5)Where stories live. Discover now