
"Uh, Stiles fell asleep so I think I'm gonna go home," I explained to Melissa. "Give him some time with his dad, just the two of them."

"That sounds like a great idea. You should get some sleep," she nodded to me.

"I don't think I'll be sleeping for a couple days," I laughed.

"He's okay?" Someone asked from behind me.

I turned around to see Scott, Malia, and Mr. Argent walk in the front doors.

"Better than okay," I smiled.

"And you? You're okay too?" Malia asked me.

"Besides the normal anxiety and jumpiness, i'm fine," I laughed and she pulled me into a hug.

"You hurt, Scott?" I asked him as I pulled out of the hug. I could smell the blood on him, but I could also see the spot on his chest.

"I'll be fine." I listened to his heart. It was hard to tell if he was lying or not.

I sent a smile and a nod to Mr. Argent, which he returned. I talked to the three of them about what happened tonight. Noah got away. They tried to find him but he was long gone.

I took Malia home. On our way there she told me she was trying to find her mom. She said not to tell anyone else but the reason she told me is that she trusts me. She wants to kill her mom for killing her family, which I think is the reason she told me because I wanted to kill Kali for killing my mom, and Jennifer for my dad. I promised I wouldn't tell Scott because he would just try to stop her. I also offered her my help but she said Braeden was helping her. That didn't stop me from telling her that if she still needed me, I would be there in a second.

I must have been gone longer than I thought because when I got home, Stiles was sitting on the floor beside my door, when I thought he was asleep in his dad's room.

"I thought you were with your dad," I said to him as I pulled my keys out and unlocked my front door.

"I was, but I thought he should rest." He followed me inside. "I knocked on the door but I guess Lena isn't home."

"You're the one who should get some rest. And, she's on night shift." I placed my keys on the table by the door, then took my jacket off and hung it up.

"I'm fine. I'll sleep later."

I walked into the kitchen and got some water. I offered him something to eat or drink but he just declined.

There was an awkward silence when I met him in the living room. Neither one of us said anything, we kinda just stood there.

"So you saw the whole thing?" He finally spoke up.

"With Donovan?" He nodded.

"It doesn't matter to me," I said.

"Yeah, well it matters to me."

"It's in the past now. We-"

"I killed someone, Brianna. How can you just push that away? Like it doesn't matter?" He waved his hands in the air.

"You could have told me. I'm your girlfriend, you can tell me anything."

"No. I couldn't tell you. Not this time. This time was different." I could hear the pain in his voice which made my heart ache for him.

"I should have been there. I never should have left. If I just stayed, none of that wouldn't have happened."

"You can't blame yourself because his blood is on my hands and it matters. So much."

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