Chapter 4 - Truth, Plan, Allies

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I woke up from a smell of familiar perfume. Armina was sleeping soundly beside me. Hmm, I really need to pee. But the way she tangled her legs like this it's impossible for me to move without waking her up. With her breast brushing against my arm, her hands wrapping on my stomach, and that perfect smile on her face as she sleep, good dream perhaps.

That's nice. She hardly has sweet dreams nowadays. "Hmmmm ..... " oh, she finally turned around her back to me. I took this chance and got up. I smiled when I saw my thigh were completely healed. I turned to Armina and leaned in. "Thank you for everything." I kissed her forehead. "Hmmm ...." I chuckled and went to the bathroom.

Because it's almost 5 am, I decided to get myself ready for today. After I'm done preparing myself, I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Armina sitting on the edge of the bed. "Thank you." She waved it off and went to the bathroom as well. I waited for her at the balcony. Even though it has the view of the boring sea, it's kinda nice to see the sun rise every now and then.

In Hell, we don't get to see stars or the moon or even the sun. We only get to see flames, flames that slowly but painfully eat every wandering souls. "There you go again with those distance looks." Armina stood beside me. "I have some news for you." I motioned for her to continue. "The queen know about us." Oh did she? "What now? She's going to hang up? Burn us? I would like to see that." I chuckled.

"How is it possible for you to laugh at this situation?" I smiled. "Because if I don't, you guys will say I'm expressionless." But this time, I noticed it's not me who keep a distance stare at the view. "Something wrong Armina? Does it hurt?" She shake her head. "You know I can take it." She winked. I chuckled. "Why are you worried?" She shake her head. "You'll know soon. Come on. It's about time."

I followed her out. I was surprised to see Reina and Eris are the first to stand in front of the prince door. "That's a first." Eris sighed. "We can't help it. The princess woke us up by banging on our door, asking for a glass of milk." Reina yawned. "By the time it's done, it's already 5 am." I chuckled. Armina took this chance to knocked on the prince's door before walking into the dark room.

"Your highness?" Surprisingly this room are tidy. "I'm here." He was at his study table, reading a book. "Didn't you sleep my prince?" Armina asked. "I did. Elaria woke me up. Now she's the one who's asleep on the bed." Oh, I didn't notice she was there before. "Are you okay Helvisa?" He asked with a little worried tone. "I'm perfect, prince Gaultier."

"We're friends. Just call me Gaultier. No need for such honorific." Oh, this will be fun. Calling the crown prince just by his name. "Alright, Gaultier, why aren't you scared of us?" I asked directly. There's no need to hold myself anymore since we called each other by first name bases. "Maybe .... because I feel comfortable with you rather than with humans."

Oh. That's a first. "Gaultier?" That girl are waking up huh. "Gaultier." She called for her brother. "Yes. I'm here sister." We watched him waking his sister up. "I had that dream again." Dream? I was curious and stared at the princess on the bed. "Reina, would you mind?" She nodded and kneel beside the bed. She placed her palm on her forehead and closed her eyes.

"It's a reoccurring dream about the death of her mother." I nodded in understanding. "Armina, can you?" Armina went to the princess's side and helped her to sit down. "This will sting a little, okay. But before I proceed, do you wish to not having this nightmare ever again?" I rolled my eyes. Why does she want to have the same nightmare in the first place?

She nod her head. "Okay." Armina placed her hands on the princess's head and smiled at her. "I'll make sure you'll never have the same dream ever again." Reina placed her hands on Armina's shoulder for support. I stand beside a wall and rest my back on it while crossing my arms across my chest. "Do it." I commanded. When I saw Armina's eyes turned white, I know she's doing her spell.

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