Chapter 32

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Skipping down Calla's front steps and onto the pathway I felt adrenaline still pumping around my body. My mind was running too fast for me to keep up. What had I just done? Exposing myself – singing that song for her? That was not a good idea.

I kicked a stone across the bitumen and swore under my breath. She's going to want answers now! I'm just going to have to give her lies. But I don't want to lose anyone else.

I tugged at my hair in panic. This was not what I intended to get into with this girl. This was a mistake. Why was I even at her house in the first place? I was with Nate.

I stopped my angry walk, frozen in realisation. Nate. What happened last night?

I looked up at the nearest street sign and then jogged off in the opposite direction. When the familiar red brick house fell into view I stalked up the drive way and went to open the front door.

Slamming the door into the wall I nearly smashed right into Marie, Nate's mum.

"Tyson! Is everything alright?" She asked, concern in her voice. She held a basket full of washing and was staring at me intently.

I hesitated in my rage, "Yep, Sorry."

She frowned, "It's okay." She seemed less concerned with me barging in than the look of anxiousness on my face. "Nathaniel! Tyson's here!" She screamed into the house.

"It's okay," I said interrupting her second attempt to call her son; I stepped around her and walked down the hallway I knew so well.

Entering his room, I spied Nate sprawled over his lower bunk mouth hanging open softly snoring. I frowned and slammed the door behind me with a crash.

Nate jumped awake and looked around nervously, finally spotting me at the door. Visually relaxing he rubbed his face with his hands and yawned.

"Hey man," He mumbled turning over on his bed to sit up, "where did you disappear to last night?"

I crossed my arms over my chest. Suddenly I didn't know why I was so angry.

"Disappear? You tell me!"

Nate looked up with wide eyes, noticing the pissed tone in my voice. "Whoa! We were just walking along and next thing I know you're sprinting away laughing like a fucking school girl," He paused trying to contain a laugh, I knew he was struggling but when he met my eyes his face went serious again. "I didn't know where you went, I was high too!" His voice raised an octave or two as he tried to explain. "I don't even remember getting home!"

Listening to him ramble on excuses I felt my annoyance drain away as I realised the only one I was angry with was me.

Tuning back into the conversation I heard Nate's last question. "Well where did you wake up man?"

"I slept over at Calla Stevenson's house," I said more solemnly than I intended to – Nate missed that part however. His eyes lit up and his mouth curled into a sly grin.

"You dog! This is the hot blonde one right?"

I sat down in his desk chair and put my face in my hands. "Yeah." I mumbled.

Nate's smile dimmed, "What? Was she bad?"

"No!" I answered quickly. "We didn't sleep together!"

"Oh," He said unexcited. "What did you do then?"

I looked down and pushed my guitar way with my toe. "Our music assignment."

"Whoa wait up! Let me get this; you slept over at this girl's house, didn't have sex with her, and then did school work?" His voice rose with his incredulous tone. "Who are you?"

I snorted and shook my head. A wry smile on my lips.

"Do you like her?" I closed my eyes at the question.

"Yeah I guess. No – I don't know!"

"Mmm," He made an agreeing sound, "Oh! I remember who we're talking about now. She's the really clean one right? The new girl."

I just nodded.

"Mmm." He made his sound again. "Are you interested?"

I looked up at Nate, my best friend, the one person on the planet other than Thomas who knew my back story. Could I let another person in?

"Yeah, I am."

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