Chapter 20

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I frowned, annoyed that I was interrupted with Lilly and angry that Calla witnessed an exchange. It wasn't that I was buying it either. It was Lilly's score, not mine.

I stepped away from Lilly when I saw Calla, silently cursing my luck. She looked so startled and out of place, her eyes glued to my fist full of the pills. Daniel stood beside her, proudly claiming her with an arm around her waist. I noticed her uncomfortable wince at his touch. She didn't like him. I knew it. I had my suspicions from the uneasy look she had as I watched the prick feel her up all night, but only now I could see clearly. For a moment that sudden relief and triumph at the knowledge confused me before realised I how much shit I was in – drugs and Calla, what was I going to do?

Calla's cheeks turned the sweetest pink colour as she stepped away from Daniel. She looked my hand again and then me, an emotion in her eye that I couldn't pick out. I frowned – the whole point of tonight was to not get caught with drugs for once.

"Well I'm just going to go," Calla murmured and slipped between the stalls leaving us behind staring at the empty space she was a moment ago.

Lilly was the first to jump back to life, "Who was that?" She asked tugging on my sleeve, I looked back at her. Her lips swollen pink; ready and inviting.

I eyed Daniel still standing there watching. He finally noticed the plastic bag in my hand. His eyes were judging and drawing up conclusions.

"What!" I snarled, stepping towards him. His eyes met mine and all challenge left them; he shook his head, his eyes re-assessed me. His pre-assumed judgements changing as he backed out of the alleyway. He was so vanilla.

I grumbled, annoyed now. "Sonny?" Lilly looked up at me expecting an answer. I backed away from her hands – my brain still a mess, a jumble of thoughts. I walked between the stalls and followed Calla.

I found her leaning against a light post at the curb, a phone in her hand with her back to me.

"Don't leave yet," I said.

She jumped startled, dropping her phone.

She spun around at the source of my voice, a frown grew on her face. Her red sexy lips pulled into an attractive scowl.

"Look what you made me do!" She turned back and I leant down for the phone at the same time she did.
I got to it before her. She straightened awkwardly. I handed the silver mobile phone back.

"Thanks." She snapped it off me and pressed a few buttons. Typing something again, this time before she pressed the call button she was expecting my voice.

"Don't go yet."

She turned to me, with her eyebrows raised. "And why not?"

I smiled under her gaze; she was so cute when she was angry. "Because I want to talk to you."

Her frown faltered and I noticed her eyes soften. But she averted my eyes looking back at her phone before I could tell if it was my imagination.

"Well I don't." She stated, walking down the footpath away from me.

"Wait Calla," I grasped her arm.

She spun around this time her restrained face faltered and she looked furious. "Don't you have any self respect?" She spat, yanking her arm out of my grasp.

I stopped short, my smile gone. "What?"

"You nearly kill yourself with that stuff," she motioned to the house, but I knew what she was referring to. "And you're still buying it!"

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