Chapter 9 - You are not Natural

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Mr Poole awoke in a dark and dank corridor. He was alone. Afraid.

This was the place he most feared. More than the Wood-Scape. More than Summerville.

He had been thrown into the lower levels. The place in built to contain the creatures that even they couldn't control and to punish those who defied them.

Poole stood, attempting to suppress the fear that was overtaking him as he pressed his hands against the wall. With this he began to move down the corridor, hugging the wall and flinching at every distant screech or scream he heard.

As he walked in the darkness, he concentrated on the rhythmic sound of his footsteps to keep himself sane. After a few minutes of this a sudden loud screech caused his concentration to break completely as he came to a full stop.

The footsteps, however, did not.

Poole held his breath. The footsteps got closer and closer until they to came to a stop in front of him.

Just as the footsteps stopped, a familiar, raspy female voice spoke.

"Hello, Poole."


"If that is the name we are given. Yes..."

Mr Poole stood stiff. His fear becoming him. "Why are you down here?"

"You know why."

Fear once again overcame the man as his fate became real. "Then why haven't you killed me?"

"We cannot. Even if we wished it so. You are not natural." The voice hissed. "You are immune to us. To much more than us. We have only met one other like you. An Anti-Constant."

"That means the CEO hasn't realised how little control he has." Poole replied, the fear slowly being replaced with anger.

"It took us many millennia to figure out why the multi-verse would create a monster like you. We only now realise that reason. That purpose."

"What is my purpose?"

"To spread chaos and sorrow. To be a vessel for a thing impossible to carry. It is how we took hold of this body. We see your 'CEO' in you."

The fear returned once more. "I am not going to become the CEO! He's a murderer!"

"You cannot change this."

"I will never allow this to happen to me."

The voice laughed, loudly. "And how do you plan to stop it?"

A moment of silence washed over the two as Poole considered his actions.

"I'm going to kill the CEO."

————————PRESENT DAY————————


Covered in blood.

Sasha was covered in blood.

She frowned.

The blood was not hers, she looked up to the creature that was about to kill her.

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