Chapter 6

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Here's the next chappy! Enjoy!


Twilight sat in the back of the T-Car, her hands secured in front of her. She was a little miffed that they didn't trust her, but she did break into the tower, after all. They sped through the city, heading towards the abandoned warehouse. "Here. Stop here."

They slowed to a stop. "Is this it?" Cyborg asked.

"This is it." Twilight confirmed. Cyborg exited the car and opened her door. Robin walked in front of her, blocking her way.

"Remember, if this is a trap-"

"You activate the sedative hidden in the inhibitors, I know. If you'll follow me . . ." She walked in front of the group, passing BB and Cyborg, who were once again snickering at Robin's baffled expression. She smirked. Boy, does it feel good to mess with dad like this. Cyborg stepped in front of her and pointed his sonic cannon at the door to the warehouse.

Starfire landed next to her. "Please, friend, you have not yet told us your name."

Twilight smiled. "It's Twilight."

"It is wonderful to meet you, friend Twilight!"

"You too, Starfire."

"Raven, you sense anything?" Robin asked.

She closed her eyes. "Nothing."

Twilight snickered. Looks like Hawk's better than he says he is.

"Something funny, Twilight?"

"You still don't trust me, Robin?"

Robin's eyes narrowed. "Not exactly."

Twi nodded her head at the door. "If you'll get that, I'll show you the place."

Robin nodded to Starfire, who ripped open the door. A green hawk flew ahead of them, circled the large room, and landed in front of Robin. "There's no one here."

"That, my dear Beast Boy, is because they don't want you to see them." Twilight explained.

"Then explain why I can't sense anyone." Raven challenged.

"One of my teammates has learned to block your telepathy."

"That's impossible. No one is strong enough to block my telepathy."

"He is." Twilight could feel a sense of pride emanate from Hawk's consciousness. You're welcome.

"There's no one here. Why did you bring us here?" Robin demanded.

"Because my team is here." Twilight held up her wrists. Robin hesitated. "Please Robin," She pleaded. "Trust me." He stepped over - and was blocked by another energy shield that surrounded and trapped the Titans.

"You tricked us!" The Titans shot, kicked, and punched at the energy shield. "Let us go!" Robin commanded. The shield began to shrink inwards.

"That wasn't me!" Twilight insisted. "Please, you have to believe me!" She felt her limbs weaken as the sedative entered her bloodstream.


"Get down here!"

The air shimmered around her as she sank to her knees, revealing her teammates. They rushed to her side. "He activated the sedative in the inhibitors didn't he?" Mindset asked.

She nodded and blinked her eyes, trying to fight the sedative. "Our parents - the shield will shrink until it crushes them."

"Got it." A laptop appeared seemingly out of thin air and he began to type furiously. "Guys! Find the transmitter!"

They nodded and began to search the warehouse. Veranda transformed into an eagle and flew off, prompting a gasp from their parents.


"Found it!" Eagle Veranda dropped a small device into Mindset's lap. He plugged it into his laptop and typed furiously again.

Wasp took out her stingers. "This might sting a little . . ." She shrunk and zapped at the inhibitors, successfully unlocking them.

Twilight winced as the needle withdrew from her now-sensitive skin. She felt slightly better as the sedative began to wear off.

"Got it!" Mindset pressed a key and the energy shield disappeared.

Their parents sighed in relief, but then remembered that they weren't alone. "Why did you trap us, only to free us?" Robin asked.

"We didn't trap you. Warp did. I suspect he still wants to kill you," Mindset explained.

"Why does he want to kill us? Who are you?"

"Robin," Twilight said as she made her way to the front of the group, "this is my team. Meet the Teen Titans!"

She drank in the stunned silence, a smug grin on her face.

"Ok. What?"


A/N: What do you guys think? I know I sound like a broken record here, but I appreciate the feedback!

See you in the next chapter!

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