Shockwave's optic lingered on the femme for a long, frightening moment before he gave a small nod. "I suppose it is logical." He responded in a cold tone, sending a chill down the femme's back strut. "Seeing as that would have interfeered with your main mission."

Those words caught Solis' attention and she looked up at Shockwave, confusion and the emotional pain over losing S3th warring within her. "What... Mission?" She finally asked.

The Decepticon looked at her for a moment before he turned away towards his tables, ignoring the question.

"Shockwave? What mission!" Solis demanded, following after the purple mech and placing herself between Shockwave and the desk he had been going towards.

"It has been planned since before you were fully developed." Shockwave finally spoke, looking down at the trembling femme. "You will be bonded to Lord Megatron."

Solis felt her frame go cold, the energon freezing in her lines as she could only stare up at the mech that had cared for her since she was a sparkling. "B-Bond?" She demanded, optics widening as she took a step back. "Wh-what? No!"

The purple mech grabbed Solis' arm before she was able to run, pulling her close. "Yes. Lord Megatron desires it, and it is important for the future of our race. For the future of the Decepticons." Shockwave stated firmly.

Fighting against the bigger bot's hold, Solis glared up at Shockwave, optics leaking with angry tears. "No! I won't be bonded to a mech I don't even know!" She shouted, attempting to twist out of the scientist's grip.

Shockwave tightened his hold on the femme's arm to an almost painful extent. "You must." He stated firmly, his gaze like a heavy weight to the femme. "You're actions are most illogical."

Anger burned through Solis as she glared up at the bigger mech. "You're going to hand me over t-to a-" Shockwave cut her off. "I would think carefully over my next choice of words, Solis." He ground out, tone icy.

Pulling away, Solis fought a sob. "Y-You never told me!" She shouted, the scientist looking at her with a calm air. "I am telling you now." He monotoned.

Solis glared, taking several pedesteps back. "You never meant for me to be a medic! Or a scientist! You meant for me to be Megatron's whore!" She shouted, tears streaming down her faceplates at a steady pace. "I won't do it!"

Shockwave's EM went icy and dark as he crossed the space between them in two strides, leaning over her. "You will do as you are ordered." He responded, engine rumbling dangerously.

Looking up at the scientist in disbelief, Solis thought, for the briefest of moments, she sensed regret in the bigger mech's field as he slowly straightened, but pushed it away. "I always knew you hated me." She whispered, turning on her heel strut and running from the room.

Shockwave watched her go, uncertain of if he should follow or not, before deciding against it. She would work it out herself. Realize the honor being extended to her, and, if she didn't, he would ensure it. With that, the Decepticon turned back to his work. Project Predacon.

Solis didn't stop running until her legs burned, until the hurt, fear, and anger over Shockwave's announcement receeded to the grief of S3th's loss.

Collapsing, Solis curled up tightly in the hall she found herself in, sobbing as she hid her faceplates in her arms. Primus hated her. She was certain, taking away the only mech that had ever loved her. That had ever truly cared about her feelings.

"Solis?" The voice was gentle and very familiar, followed by the tentative touch of servos on her shoulders, then arms wrapping around her and pulling her close to a chassis' warmth.

Looking up, Solis wrapped her arms around St3v3. "I-I can't. I can't do it." She sobbed out, all but clinging to the older mech, who held her in a comforting way.

"You can't do what, Solis?" D4v3 asked gently, crouching in front of the femme, a worried look on his faceplates. It was only then that the crimson femme noticed the presence of several of her friends.

Solis shook in St3v3's grip as she attempted to find her voice again. "I-I can't bond with Megatron!" She finally cried, fresh tears running down her faceplates. "Please, I can't!"

D4v3 and N8 looked bewildered, while St3v3's arms just tightened around her. "What do you mean, sweetspark?" The oldest Vehicon asked gently, rubbing the crimson backstrut comfortingly.

Struggling to get a hold of her thoughts, Solis searched for what to say. "Sh-Shockwave told me... He says I have to bond with Megatron." She choked out, biting back another sob as both D4v3 and Br4d3n moved in to hug her as well. Being surrounded by the mechs made Solis feel only fractionally better... Safe, almost.

"But that's not the worst." Solis finally whispered, breaking the silence that fell between them all, the vehicons waiting paitently for her to continue on her own timing. "S3th's gone... Shockwave said he d-deactivated." The femme whimpered, breaking out into harsh sobs again.

St3v3 stilled at the news, glancing up at N8 and M1k, who both looked frightened at the news.

Solis was too grief-stricken to notice. "W-We tried to be careful! We d-didn't tell anyone, an-and made s-sure to cover o-our tracks." She cried, burrying her faceplates into D4v3's shoulder.

"Solis, sweetspark." St3v3 spoke gently, realization beginning to dawn on him. "What do you mean you tried to be careful?"

Looking up at St3v3, Solis fought the overwhelming grief pumelling her spark at every passing moment. "I-I love him." She answered.

St3v3 felt unease at the words, everything clicking into place now... Solis and S3th must have been engaging in a love relationship, and when Shockwave found out... The vehicon looked up at the others, each of who wore an expression that told they too had come to the same conclusion... Oh Primus.

It was D4v3 that broke the silence, cuddling up against the femme. "Don't worry sweetspark... It'll feel better in time. Sometimes, bad things happen to bots that don't deserve it. And sometimes, a bot loses somebot they love... But we'll all see S3th again when we join with the allspark." The Vehicon attempted to comfort the femme, kneading her shoulder strut in a relaxing way.

M1k nodded from where he crouched. He was one of the newest Eradicons, and he offered Solis a small smile. "Don't worry, Solis... We'll help you get through this."

Solis looked around her at the other vehicons, tears staining her faceplates as she gave a small nod. Things had to get better... One day, she would see S3th again, but before then... She bit her lip. "Shockwave's lied to me." She finally whispered, looking up and locking optics with St3v3. "And I think he's lied before this. I think he knows who my real creators are... I want to know who."

Offering a small nod, St3v3 tightened his hug. "We'll find out who they were... And where to find them." He whispered, holding the trembling femme close. "I promise."

Solis' Sparklinghood *PREQUEL TO RESTRICTED LOVE*Where stories live. Discover now