A Visitor

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The next morning I awoke on the couch where I must have fallen asleep watching anime with my dad. I rubbed my eyes as the fresh sunlight beamed through the window, blinding me temporarily.

"Dilly! Breakfast!" My papa called happily from the kitchen.

I smiled softly as I pulled myself up. Breakfast with my parents sounded great right about now. I wandered into the kitchen where my papa was sitting at the table with with my dad. My favourite breakfast food, pancakes, sat on the table waiting for me.

"Good morning," I said feeling a bit strange sitting at the table with them.

I didn't mind skipping school today. It was just another day for Damon and Lily to forget I existed. The panic of catching up on my work was growing in the back of my brain, but I'm sure I would work through it.  I much rather stay at home with my parents where it was safe, than go to school where the chances me of getting hurt were high.

"Did you two have fun last night? Sorry that I couldn't stay up with you. I was really tired," my papa asked as he pushed the syrup across the table to me.

A smile found its way to my face as I remembered how happy my dad was when I gave him my sketchbook. I'd say it was the happiest he has looked in a long time.

"Yes. I'd say that we did," I told him as I cut up my pancakes.

"Good," he replied with a tired smile.

We finished eating our breakfast in silence. Not the bad kind though, but the kind where you're content with each other. It was the first time that we had ate a meal together in a long time. It felt nice to eat with someone; like I was being included in something. I was so used to isolating myself in my room and either not eating or eating in the middle of the night.

My dad collected out plates once we had finished and walked over to the sink where he began to wash up, leaving me and my papa at the table. I was about to excuse myself when my papa leaned over to whisper to me.

"Thank you for what you did last night. It was very kind of you and it really helped your dad. I think he really needed that," He told me quietly.

I nodded with a smile, "Its no problem."

The silence took over again as my papa sipped at his coffee. I watched him contently as I leaned on my elbows, my head propped up on my hands. I couldn't help but wonder if I should mention his use of the word sick. It was obvious that everybody knew something that I didn't. Even Louise.

"Papa," I hummed as I tapped his shoulder. "Is dad okay? He told me he was sick."

My papa sighed as he pushed his chair back, "He'll be okay. Don't worry about it that much."

I watched as he walked into the kitchen and pressed a soft kiss to my dads cheek as he placed his cup into the sink before returning to the table.

"We have some things to take care of today. But we'll be back before you know it, okay? Theres some muffins in the fridge and some popcorn for you in the pantry. Just in case you get snackish," He told me and kissed my forehead as my dad joined us in the dining room.

So much for staying home with me, I guess.

"Ready to go?" He asked my dad, who responded with a nod.

I looked up at them with hope in my eyes, "Where are you going? Can't I come with you?"

My dad shook his head with a frown, "Not this time Dilly. Don't worry we'll be back around one thirty or so. You can always call if you need anything. Sorry I can't stay here with you. I hope you understand."

I frowned with a nod and stood up from my seat to give them each a long hug. My dad hugged me a little longer than my papa did, for some reason. I wondered if that was because of our talk last night or because he was sick. Both of them pressing a small kiss to my forehead.

"Love you," I told them with a weak smile.

My dad smiled and picked up his bag, the corner of my sketchbook sticking out slightly, "I love you too, Dilly."

My world felt empty as I waved them off and watched them drive down the road. It had just dawned on me that I didn't have anything to do now that my sketchbook was gone. I could go out to buy a new one, but I didn't have the guts to leave the house this time. 

It wasn't the best idea, but I settled on snooping around my house trying to find something that would give me answers to my dads sickness. I wandered upstairs and down the empty hallway that lead to their bedroom. I put my warm hand onto the bronze door handle, my thoughts screaming not to do it. I knew I shouldn't be in here, but they would never know.

I closed my eyes tightly and turned the handle, hearing it click before the door eased open slightly. It had been a long time since I had entered such forbidden territory. A smile spread across my face as I pushed the door open wide, allowing my eyes to witness the still room.

A blue and green tiled bed spread lay across the bed neatly, accompanied by a black and a green pillow. I swore that they had that same bed set for as long as I lived.  The walls were covered in framed family portraits and of old pictures us, ranging from the day they met until now. Their burgundy walls seemed to have seen so much.

Guilt washed over me as I sat on the edge of the bed. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. They would tell me when they were ready, whatever it was.

I pulled my sleeve up as I remembered my wrist. Why was I doing this to myself? If my dad can put up with me and be sick or whatever, I could be strong for him.

A noise downstairs caught me off gaurd. Where they back already? I quickly got up and walked out, quietly shutting the door behind me.

"Dan?" a soft voice arose from downstairs. "Is anybody home?"

"I'm home?" I shouted back hesitantly as I rushed downstairs.

Part of me was terrified that someone I didn't know was in my house. But I was glad it wasn't my dads catching my snooping in their room.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, my eyes meeting with someone I thought I'd never see again.

Someone that I hadn't seen in a really long time.

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