The great battle.

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{3rd Person POV}

It was this years vytal festival and the participants are getting ready for fynals and it was Jäger Xander Dwight vs yang xiao long.

{Jäger's POV}

I was training in the simulation room with the settings at max, I was determined to prove to myself that I can defeat anyone. no one has ever completed the simulation at max settings... except one. I think his name was "iron monster?" Something like that?

I got half way there when I heard "hunter injury level critical, you have died."
"ARG" I said.
"I know I can do it. I just know I can!" I Attempted to start it up again until oscar walked into the room. I stood at attention to his presence. "At ease, tense one." he said jokingly. "Sorry sir. What brings you here sir?" I said. "I heard a ruckus." He said which confused me because I didn't think I was making much noise. "You better get some rest. The match starts at 3 y'know." Oscar said to clearly tell me to stop training.
"Yes sir." I said with a sigh. "why so troubled?" He asked "well I guess I'm nervous, tired and a little stressed so there's that." I said
"hmm well a power nap will help with that." Said oscar with a smile.
"Ok. I'll take a nap." I said a little disgruntled

{time skip}

The battle was going to begin in an hour, I was prepared, rested and ready for anything. My teammates Isadora and Nathaniel of my team JINX tried to comfort me while Xander just joked around, It still helped, we could hear the masses marching their way to the colosseum
I grabbed my armor and my weapon, my prized possession. It was a poleaxe/pump action shot gun with all manner of bullet types Slug, buck even birdie, I was ready for anything.

The fighters were released into the fighting grounds. It was so large I couldn't see who I was fighting until later. The platform randomizer picked two terrains one a desert wasteland, the other a foggy forest that no one could see through.

"Alright folks we believe this will be a monumental match of massive proportions!" Exclaimed oobleck over the mic. "You are quite right professor oobleck." Said professor Peter.
"ITS DOCTOR!!" Said oobleck in the angriest way I've ever heard from him.
"Well then, time to introduce our combatants."
Said oobleck excitedly. "That's right, on the sunny side of the field we have Jäger Xander Dwight a first year here a beacon." Said Peter silence fell over the crowd except for the cheering of my teammates.

I felt my confidence drop to an all time low after that.
"And here we have a special guest for today."
Said oobleck as it worried the crap out of me.
"We have a teacher actually, for those new, we pick our top student to face off against a professional hunter or huntress." Oobleck explained. "I was not aware of this!" I said in my head. "Oh please be someone nice please be someone nice!" I kept screaming in my head. "And we have today... (deep breath) YYYAANGGG XIAO LONG!!" Oobleck screamed into the mic. The crowd was in full uproar mode as everyone and everything was screaming for yang. "Well. I'm screwed" I said in my head. I was clearly the underdog in this story. But I'm won't back down. I'm always up for a challenge. Yang came strutting out all high an mighty. She knew she was the favorite to win here. But i wasn't going down easily.
I walk up to my opponent. "May the best man win." I said in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
"Oh. I intend to." Said yang with the most annoying grin on her face. "Oh we're going to play like that I see!" I exclaimed in her face. I load my weapon called 'law's fury.' 
"I'm ready." I said to myself.

Mere seconds before the match, the tension rises, the crowd hushes, the combatants are ready to tear each other's faces out. "3, 2, 1." Oobleck was counting down. "GGGGGOOOOO!!!" Yelled Peter. Instead of rushing straight at yang I braced myself for what was coming. My teammate Isabella is related to Blake belladonna from RWBY so blake tells 'iza' a lot about yang and iza tells us about yang so I think I know a far share of yangs fighting style and sure enough I was right. She rushed at me using ember cilleca, with victory in her eyes but I wasn't as weak as I know she thought I was. I took the punch head on and wasn't fazed. She was shocked. I retaliated launching the pummel of my pole axe in he gut and letting a shot fire. Letting yang fly. Nearly taking a 4th of her mana already. I felt awesome. But she was both shocked and 'yangry' she got up and was ready for war. She fired a couple long range shots, I dodged them all. We circled each other in the center-most part of the battle ground were nothing could bother us. She lunged at me with anger in her eyes. She aimed for my top half. I raised my axe to top stance and parryed her punch than gave her a strong pummel to the face disorienting her which game me the opening for a strong attack. I went for it. I brought my axe a full 360 degrees around my whole body and with one mighty swing......

I missed.
She dodge mere inches from the blunt end, intended for her face. And she unleashed a flurry of jabs, punches and shots into my right waste. Which had me reeling back badly. I was broken out of my stance and saw her fist intended for my face. I just dodged nearly getting a literal fist full of yang. As I dodged I forced the shaft of my poleaxe into her side pushing her off balance. I saw my opportunity, I wasn't going to miss this one. I transformed law's fury into its shotgun form and shoved the barrel into her right side and fired one full buckshot. It sent her flying. Again. All the way into the dessert part of the battlefield. I chased after her with law's fury in axe mode. There was nothing in this part of the map but sand, a few large boulders and one semi tall cliff. Yang ran up to a boulder and destroyed it into pieces small enough to throw. I did my best to dodge but that didn't work. I then used my shot gun to destroy them when close enough. Soon enough she ran out and we went back to melee combat. She attempted to launch herself at me with a shot but the sand absorbed most of the impact. So her plan backfired setting me up for a nice strong hit. I swung hard and fast. She took a face full of the blunt/hammer side of my pole axe draining her mana to the half way mark. But that's when she got mad. Even more than usual. She entered hot head mode. That's when I remember what iza told me. "Whatever she gets hit with she can dish out twice as much. Crazy right!" "Crap" I said out loud as I took a fist full of yang to the gut. My mana dropped a significant amount. "Oooohhh that had to hurt!" Peter said over the mic.
That when I had an idea.

Run away!! I ran over to the foggy forest part of the battlefield with furious yang right behind me. I disappeared in the foggy forest before yang could reach me. It was only a few moments but it felt like an eternity before she cooled off enough for me to attack her again. I saw that she cooled off and charged at her. With her not knowing where I was coming from I shoved the front of my pole axe into her side and just kept chugging along holding yand at the end of my pole axe. I brought her back to the middle of the arena. Where are final moments would be. I went on the offensive and used her technique and shot the floor to launch myself at her, she was surprised at how quickly I learned her moves. Law's fury was in shotgun mode as I landed right beside her she tried to fill me with punches but I dodged most of them. Then when she backed off I fired a large shot in her chests bringing her mana down even more. To dangerous level in fact.

The crowd was so surprised with my performance so for. Being a nobody can surprise a lot of people.



Part 2 coming soon.

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