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Lyrics:Baby I done enough talking, need to know that you're mine...

They sat on the dust covered leather furniture that was in the living room, light tears trailed down Mrs. Jeon's pale face. Taehyung held Jungkooks hand tightly watching the old woman cry silently. He wanted to reach out and comfort her but he wasn't in the place to do so.

"Jungkook-ah...how long have you known?"

"I found out when I met Taehyung again. It just seemed to be fate that he was my neighbor."

Mrs. Jeon's eyes gazed over the dusty room spotting pictures of her son, a family picture was on the wall right next to a picture of the two brothers from when they were younger.

The more her eyes searched over the room the more she felt her heart break knowing her perfect son wasn't so perfect. How could things end up like this? What had she done wrong while raising Jinyoung that this was the outcome?

"Do you have a person in mind who could of done this to Jinyoung?" She asked looking at the two boys who sat on the other leather couch across from her, Jungkook released a sigh.

"Do you remember Yoongi's older brother and his boyfriend? Well Jinyoung for a while used to sleep with Yoongi's brothers boyfriend. Damn that was a mouthful."

"But Jinyoung was going to get married...to a lovely girl." She sputtered out trying to not think about her dead son with someone else.

"I know. He was going to. Key-word going to. I didn't know what he was gonna do with Taehyung, clearly Taehyung was outraged that day of the wreck." Jungkook spoke in a timid voice, worried that anything he said could trigger her to have a break down.

" I think I need to go to the hotel and rest for a it." she muttered standing up slowly, Taehyung watched with pitiful eyes. He didn't mean to hurt her with the truth of what was going on behind closed doors years ago.

But you don't get to choose what hurts people.


Taehyung laid in the comfort of Jungkooks arms on the younger's bed, a thick blanket was wrapped over them as they just laid their in a calming silence. Taehyung allowed Jungkooks fingers to lazily trail up his tanned arms in a soothing comfort. A comfort the elder had wished he had sooner, because now that he laid in this messy bed with Jungkook he felt a certain comfort he never got before when he slept with people. Months ago he was so used to believing that being in a different bed every night would cure this empty hole within him, maybe he was drinking and having sex to take away the pain of being alone. 


"Yes Tae."

"What were you like when you were younger? What was I like?" Taehyung asked looking up slightly from where his head rested on Jungkooks chest. He wanted to know what his past self before the wreck was like.

"Well, you were always bright and happy. You brought light to rainy days, nobody could deny your smile. Sometimes I wondered how you were so happy, it made me curious and filled with envy. I think that's why I began to have feelings for you, you were the opposite of me. While I was a rain cloud you were filled with sunshine, my father made jokes that the reason you had such tanned skin was because you were literal sunshine." Jungkook smiled remembering the Taehyung he first fell in love with, the one that made him happy,cry,smile, and lust over. Maybe a 14 year old shouldn't have fell in love with a 16 year old boy who was way out his league.

"I seemed different than I am now. You called yourself a rain cloud...What do you mean exactly?"

"I was going through my rebellious stage, black clothes,I had plugs in my ears even though my father was way against them, I was beginning to have a sharp tongue. But I was different around you...I think my father knew I liked you because I acted nicer towards you, I would let you play with my hair even though I hated people touching me." Jungkook chuckled, looking back you would be able to clearly tell he had a thing for the elder.

But who could blame him? Taehyung was the human form of happiness. Taehyung was handsome with soft hair, dark eyes that had hidden shimmer that reached out and pulled you into his heart, small freckles, even a small freckle that was on the tip of his cute button nose, and rose petal soft light pink lips. There's no end to Taehyungs beauty. Tanned skin, small height,  and if you saw Taehyung naked you would be able to see the small curve in his back that led to cute small back dimples.The more Jungkooks mind was clouded with the perfection of Taehyung  he knew there was no end to his perfection.

While Jungkook thought of Taehyung, Taehyung thought of him. To Taehyung, Jungkook was perfection that even God's angels would envy. Jungkook was a mixture of heaven and hell. Jungkook was heavenly with his smooth skin,beautiful bunny toothed smile, a soul touching laughter, and soft lips that would hold you with each touch. Jungkook was hellish with the way his dark eyes would almost turn black if he was filled with lust, how his dry calloused hands would dance around Taehyungs body, his body was toned and moved with such precision when he was on top of the elder Taehyung began to wonder if he could ever have someone else take the place the younger had made in his body ever again. The answer is no. Jungkook had a way of roping you in with his perfection that you would never be able to love someone right again.

They were each others perfection. Something only other people could wish for.People dreamed of finding their soulmates in unlikely places, it just so happens that they met each other in the elevator.

So on that winter night the both drifted off to asleep in each others arms dreaming of each other. 

But even though they were together, evil lurked waiting for the right moment to strike.

An evil that may hurt Jungkook again,but everything's fair in love and war.

💗Hey guys! So I'm back from my hiatus, I woke up from a nap and I had an idea so here I am back and ready to play with all of your guys feelings!~💗

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