11.비밀 키퍼.

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"Secret keeper."

Lyrics:"slow conversations with a gun, mean more to me than what I've said to anyone."

"So I'm pretty sure his files are in this desk." Mark says pulling open the drawer in the office.

"How do you know this?" Taehyung asked looking around the dusty home office, looking at the pictures on the walls.

"One time I snuck in here to see if there was anything he was hiding,that's how it all started."

"Really? So you found something clearly."

"Yep I found out where the files were but never looked through it cause I got caught." Mark anwserd before pulling out a stack of black folders.

"Hmmm....Choi Youngjae age 15... He told me he had a boyfriend before me, but the question is did he have several boys at one time? He could be like 20 now." Mark said while Taehyung and Jungkook each grabbed a folder. Inside were medical records and profile photos of each boy.

"Jackson Wang, age 19."

"Min Yoongi- wait yoongi?!" Jungkook muttered looking through the file coming across the picture of yoongi.

"Get Yoongi over here."

"What if he freaks out?" Jungkook asked looking over at the older ones.

"Well maybe if we get him to burn his own pictures he will feel at peace. I mean all those pictures being burned could lift a burden." Mark said shifting through other drawers.

"We just have to find the photos."

"Why did you want me to come here Jungkook..."

"We found out Jinyoungs secret Hyung." Jungkook said handing Yoongi the file, he watched the older face fall upon seeing the file.

"How many more?"


"How many more boys?" Yoongi asked looking up at the two boys, Mark walked out the office with a stack of files.

"Several." Mark said setting the stack on the breakfast bar.


"Yeah, Who knew that Jinyoung would be this crazy...Taehyung he did this to you also?"

"Yeah, did my 16 year old self ever say anything about it?" Taehyung asked taking a seat at the breakfast bar starting to go through the files writing down names.

"Nope...I once asked if you were okay with Jinyoung, you were scared to say anything but you were going to tell me...then Jinyoung walked in."


"Taehyung...how's uh you and Jinyoung?" Yoongi asked seeing his best friend fighting while Jinyoung was cooking in the kitchen far away from them.Taehyung looked up with sadness in his eyes, fear morphing into his face.

"H-Hyung...I'm So s-scared...please s-sa-"

"Dinners done boys." Jinyoung said walking into the room, they heard the sound of feet pattering down the stairs fastly. They saw Jungkook stand at the edge of the stairs looking at the two on the couch.

"So dinners done?"

"Kim Yugyeom."

"Im Jaebum."

"Oh Sehun."

"Kris Wu."

"Many more too, I don't even wanna go through the rest."

"Well I used Instagram and found both Choi Youngjae and Im Jaebum. Apparently their dating. " Jungkook stated looking up from his phone showing the picture of the two kissing.

"They must know each other through Jinyoung."

"Do you think they were used at the same time?" Yoongi asked looking through the files of the two boys.

"It's possible,I know there was another boy when he used me." Mark said standing up checking his phone for messages.

"Well the only way to find out is to go through the cabinets in the basements to find photos."

"The smell in here still reeks." Yoongi muttered looking around the basement lit up by the lamp.

"You look over there Jungkook,I'll look in here." Taehyung said bending down looking through the cabnits.

"I found Kim Yugyeom." Mark shouted from near the bed, Yoongi walked over helping Mark pick up the heavy box. Mark bent down looking under the bed seeing two more boxes and a smaller one.

"Yoongi help."


Once the boxs were settled on the bed the two youngest moved away from the cabnit and to the bed.

"Well who's gonna open it."

"What if it's my pictures?" Yoongi asked with fear laced in his voice, Jungkook watched yoongi pull bite his bottom lip.

"Then we burn them."

Jungkook reached over yanking the box open reviling pictures of a boy that's not Yoongi. Mark opened the other two also reviling them to not be Yoongi, the blonde released a sigh of relief.

"Well so it's clear the two were together."

The smaller box held pictures of the two crying and being tortured, Jungkooks stomach churned at the thought his brother did all of this. He flipped through the photos of the two finding one in English yet again.

"Jaebum.Youngjae.16.15. Both hold hands when they are used. I don't like it. More training needed. #4 Im Jaebum. Choi Youngjae."

"He's a sick fuck." Mark mutterd disgust clearly in his voice,Yoongi nodded in agreement looking through the boxes to see what else they said. Only the small box had pictures with English.

"What caused him to do this?"Taehyung asked curiously looking up at the younger who had he eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"That's what I'm wondering to, maybe the cabin has answers...but none of this makes sense."

"Why doesn't it make sense?"

"It makes no sense because Jinyoung didn't act like this before. Maybe...no highly doubt it."

"Maybe what?" Yoongi asked stopping his search through the box,Jungkook shifted his stance closing his eyes.

"For awhile he was sleeping with Yoongis older brothers boyfriend. I found out by accident one time But I don't think it could lead to this."

"You means Jaeeuns boyfriend Hayori? They're still dating." Yoongi muttered running his fingers through his frail dyed hair. All of the past was a mess and if what Yoongis brothers boyfriend did anything to be led up to this, he doesn't even wanna know how bad  Hayori was treated.

"Do you think your brother knew what Hayori did? Or ever found out? He might be a victim himself." Mark asked placing the lids back on the boxs.

"If he does then I don't know why he hasn't killed Hayori yet. Or even suspected him. There's no way two people live with each other and don't notice if someone is doing crazy shit like this."

This is unedited but I needed to get a chapter up👏

Headlights.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz