#54 | Life's A Beach

Start from the beginning

"Hmm, I believe it's called tanning?" I responded, sarcasm in my voice.

He laughed, "Fine. You can stay here and be a boring little pickle. I'm gonna take my fine ass to the ocean." He stood up and ran towards the water, kicking the sand up with every step.

I watched as he reached the shore. He dipped his toe in, testing the temperature of the water. Right away, he dived in. As he came out of the water, of course the first thing he did was fix his hair. He flipped his hair, getting it out of his face, and signaled at me to come over.

I giggled, giving in and walking over to him.

The water was cool. Not freezing, but not warm, either. I continued swirling my feet around in the water, occasionally taking a few steps back as the waves surfed towards the shore. Focusing on getting used to the cool water on my warm skin, I made a slow approach into the ocean. I stared into the clear-blue water, which I was now knee-deep in, admiring the multicolored seashells as I took each step.

Suddenly, a strong pair of familiar arms scooped me up. I shrieked, "COLBYYY!"

He ignored me, running deeper and deeper into the water. I felt the ocean spray hitting my face, as a huge wave roared towards us.

"No, no, no, no, noooo." I hid my face in his chest as he ran, full-speed into the wave. He laughed at my misery as I dug my nails into his shoulders.

Then, the dreaded wave crashed into us, causing me to let out a high pitched scream. "It's so cold!" I squealed, as we resurfaced.

"You get used to it." He laughed, flipping his hair.

As soon as he put me down, I shoved him, causing him to fall backwards into the water. I kneeled next to him, laughing as he fixed his hair, yet again.

"Oh, you're so dead." He stood up, chasing me away.

Running in the water wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, though. "Shit! It's so hard!" I said, trying to run, waist deep into the ocean.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." He smirked, catching up to me and wrapping his arms around my hips. He spun me around, making the water create a mini whirlpool.

I laughed at his dirty joke. "Easy." I giggled.

A few hours later, as the sun began to set, we decided that it was time to get back home.

"Elton texted. The AC's back on." Colby shut the trunk and got into the driver's seat.

"Good." I smiled.

"In a way, I'm glad the AC system went down." He shrugged.

"You are?" I fastened my seatbelt as he pulled out of the parking lot and entered the main road.

"Yeah, totally. If the air conditioning had been on this entire time, we probably would've just stayed home and done nothing." He grabbed my hand, squeezing it and shooting me a cheeky grin.

"Aww, baby." I smiled. "We don't have to wait for the AC to get messed up. I love adventuring with you, you know that."

"Yeahh, but you know... I'm lazy sometimes." He crinkled his nose.

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