Chapter 17: Muh Sista!!!!

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry" she says under her breath looking down at the floor.

"No your not, but you will be tonight after I'm done with your ass AGAIN" Beth screamed at her shaking her head as her fist tightened into a ball.

 "Psh, don't apologize to them Eva. You didn't do anything wrong" Summer says crossing her arms.

"Okay, so hooking up with the asshole on the same night and in the same club where Sheamus and Alex were on a date isn't a big deal?. Damn you really are a dumbass with a horrible receding hairline you gigantic pile of demon jiz" Beth states growing more and more annoyed with Summer's arrogance.

 Summers mouth dropped open "Wow I didn't know you were working early tonight" I say. Summer is just standing there dumbfounded.

 I couldn't help but laugh at the fact Beth is having to explain to Summer that I basically called her a prostitute.

 "Oh keep talking, you going to regret it later in our match" Summer says with her hands on her hips. "C'mon Eva I'm getting bored with these two" Summer says as she walks out of the locker room with Eva following her like a little puppy.

  Beth and I decided to go ahead and get ready for the show so that we could talk strategy for our mach and so I could show her around a bit more and introduce her to more of the wrestlers. 

 We make our way down the hall to the entrance for our match. As we were walking and talking I notice out of the corner of my eye that Luke Harper is somewhat hidden behind a few crates. I started walking slowly not taking my eyes off me. My breathing has picked up and my palms are sweating. I began feeling so sick at my stomach. Beth lightly elbowed me taking my focus off Luke. "You okay Alex"? she asked me. "Yea, um just getting myself pumped" I say. "You sure"? Beth questions me. "I'm sure" I lie putting a fake smile across my feet. I looked back and Luke was gone. I kept looking over my shoulder trying not to show Beth that I was freaking out a little.

 Summer and Eva just gotten into the ring and our entrance music hit. I walk on out onto the stage while Beth stood behind the curtain. I smirk at the skanks in the ring and pointed at the entrance directly behind me giving Beth the signal to come on out. As she steps out the crowd began to insanely cheer.

 "My god JBL, That's Beth from NXT"!!! Miachle Cole screamed excitedly into his headset.

 "I see who it is, the question is why is she here? She's supposed to be at NXT" JBL says in his bad guy character.

"Well judging by the look on her face it looks like she is here for a fight" Jerry lawler says as were sliding into the ring.

 The ref signals for the bell and Summer and myself are standing in opposing corners outside the ring as Beth and Eva inside the ring starting off the match.

 Eva stays in her and Summers corner scared to death. She turns to face Summer and is literally pleading for Summer to trade places. She is about to learn why you never turn your back on Beth when she is pissed at you. "Really? You have got to be kidding" Beth says being annoyed by these two. Soon as the bell rung Beth walks over to Eva Marie. She grabs two handfuls of her hair and slams her onto the ground with force and then drags her away for her corner. She pulls Eva up and drop kicked her. She picks her up again and puts Eva on the top turnbuckle facing the audience in a empty corner. Beth climbs the turnbuckle and wraps her arms around Eva's waist and gave her a huge Suplex from the top rope. Both of them landed with a hard thump. They were both heading to Alex and Summer. Summer Rae is tagged in and attempted to grab Beth so she couln't tag me. She wasn't quick enough though because using the last bit of her energy Beth made the tag. I climbed in with a smirk popping my knuckles. Summer turns to tag Eva, but apparently Eva fell onto the ground. I ran and met her with a Lou Thesz Press and once I had her down I couldn't stop myself from punching her face in. I got up and walked to the other side of the ring and when summer was on her hands and knee's trying to get up I bounced off the ropes and ran full speed and kicked her in her ribs. She rolled on to her side holding her ribs. 

I was about to do an elbow drop on her from the top rope, however Eva got back on the apron and jerked my foot causing me to lose my balance and sent me crashing to the ground. The ref began his ten count. Eva tags Summer to give her a break. I sneaked around the ring to my and Beth's corner without Eva noticing. I rolled into the ring and immediately tagged in Beth. She got in and grabbed Eva as she was trying to escape the ring. She flung her into our corner and began giving Eva chop after chop after chop to the point that you could hear the skin to skin contact echo. When she stopped Eva sunk down in the corner holding onto the ropes. Beth walked back over to Eva grabbing her ankles and picked the bottom half of her body and slamming her down on to the mat. Beth wraps her arm around her shoulders, once she gets her up a little and hits her with her version of the stone cold stunner. She covers her and gets a three count from the ref making us the winners.

 Were walking backstage and saw Seth standing there next to the entrance. He hug Beth and told her how amazing she was in there. They began talking and joking. I know their attracted to each other so I was going to let them hang out and get to know each other. I excused myself from the conversation telling them I was gonna go shower and probably go back to the hotel and get some sleep. I gave them a hug. Before leaving I tell Seth that from now on I was gonna room with Beth.

"I don't know about that Alex...Not with everything that has been going on lately" Seth says reminding me. Beth looked at us both very confused. "I'll be okay Seth" I say with a pleading look on my face. He grunted and said "Fine". 

"Great" I smile.. "See you at the hotel Muh sista"!

"Sounds good to me" Beth smiles.

I turn and began walking to the locker room to grab a shower and my bag before going back to the hotel.

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