Chapter 22

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"You left her! You left her there! She was right there!" I scream at Selene as she sobs loudly mourning over her dead sister.

"I couldn't...I-" she's take a gulp of air but continues to cry and dig her hands into the grass in front of her as her shoulders shake with each sob she lets out.

I pace back and forth and a picture of Ada's unconscious body flashes through my head and I only grow more angry.

"Take me back. We can still save her. Take me back now!" I yell at her but she only shakes her head.

"The sun..." she chokes out and I look up high around the tops of the pine trees that surround Mark's house and notice the beginning of the sunrise slowly peaking through each branch and I clench my fists.

"That should make it easier doesn't it? He can't fight us during the day!" I say trying to persuade her and again she shakes her head.

"They're hiding somewhere dark, even if we did find them and managed to get her he'd stop us! And if we got her away from him she would burn is that what you want??!" She screams at me as more tears flow down her cheeks. My chest tightens a little at the thought of Ada remaining alone with him for an entire day.

"What will she do to me.." I hear Selene softly gasp and I assume she means her mother. She runs a hand through her hair frustrated and only cries some more.

"Come on." I extend my hand towards her and she looks at me confused and wary of the gesture.

"I'm sure Gabriel must be awake by now." I say and she slowly grabs my hand and I pull her up and we walk to the house quietly. It's literally the crack of dawn so it's no surprise that the house is completely quiet but that doesn't explain the strange feeling I get from inside.

I open the door and Selene sniffles and wipes away her remaining tears as we walk in. The first thing I notice is Io sitting calmly staring at wall, she doesn't turn to look at us.

"Mother...I-" Selene starts talking but stops when Gabriel walks into the living room calmly staring between me and Selene who now has her head down in shame. He walks closer until he is standing right in front of us and nods his head to me as a gesture of acknowledgement.

"Good to see you're still alive pup." He says and doesn't give a second glance to Selene. Her shoulders begin to shake and I know she's crying again and Gabriel finally looks down at her and to my surprise he wraps his hand around the back of her head and places it against his chest and her hands wrap around his waist immediately.

"Why do you comfort her?" I look around Gabriel and see a tear slowly rolling down Io's cheek and she meets my eyes.

"She let that monster kill my daughter." She says her voice shaking and Gabriel only holds Selene tighter.

"You're not the only one who lost someone. It wasn't her fault." Gabriel says and I feel like I'm intruding on something personal since they are technically a family.

"And you? You're the cause of all this!" Io slightly raises her voice and stands and looks at me.

"I was only trying to get back my mate." I growl and Gabriel takes a deep breath and clenches his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect her Isaac. We'll get her back I promise." He says and it's reassuring to know someone in this pack cares about her even though it's not in the way I want.

"What about me? Can you bring back my daughter? Can you bring back Juno!?" Io yells her voice deepening as she says her name and her eyes slowly turning black and the entire house shakes for a moment.

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