Chapter 21

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Isaac's POV

The last thing I remember was looking into Ada's eyes, hearing her sweet voice, she said something. I don't remember exactly what she said only that it made me feel calm and happy, as if I had nothing to worry about.

And almost as if someone slapped me out of this daze a wave of panic ran through me as I finally hear the calls of my wolf screaming that Ada was in danger, only for these cries to be silenced.

It's too late. He has her now.

"Mark? What's happened?" Crystal says standing as he runs downstairs.

"Stay inside Crystal please." He says and nods his head at me to follow him outside, I do following my Alpha's orders but inside I feel numb. I can't hear Ada, or feel her, I've completely lost our connection as mates and I can't understand why.

I run outside with Mark only to be stopped at the sight before me.

"Is he?.."Mark's voice asks as he takes a few steps forward. I don't know how to react as I look at Gabriel's lifeless eyes, could I say he was my friend? Could anyone call him that?

"Gabriel!" Crystal gasps and I turn around see tears forming in her eyes, Mark grabs her when she tries to run for his body.

"He's healing." Io finally speaks as she stares down at his body and my thoughts finally calm down for me to realize Ada had left with Gabriel but I don't know why.

"Where's Ada? Why was she with him??" I yell looking between everyone outside and Mark clears his throat.

"I sent them away to find some of the wolves that vampire kidnapped." He says without an ounce of guilt and I growl feeling my hands ball into fists.

"She used her gift so you wouldn't know." Io says taking her eyes off Gabriel and looking at me.

"Where is she? I can't feel her." I say trying to control my wolf from taking over.

"You could never feel her she's dead you stupid boy. I can give you the illusion of a mate connection but she'll always belong to Desiderius who has her now." She says and kneels down and strokes Gabriel's cheek gently.

"Help me bring him inside." Io says quietly and I scoff.

"You let him take her didn't you?" I yell but she doesn't reply. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Mark taking a step towards her and I growl again.

"You made her go out there. You put them both in danger. What kind of Alpha are you??" I yell at him and he growls loudly and I see his eyes turning black.

"You're just upset Isaac. Ada will be fine." He says and I shake my head at him. He doesn't care about her, about Gabriel and he definitely doesn't care about Ada.

"Isaac don't!!" I hear Crystal yell as I start walking away but I let out a choking gasp and fall to my knees as my body becomes paralyzed. I try my best to breath and glare as Io walks calmly in front of me.

"Now is not the time to play hero. Ada has matured since she found you. I swear we'll get to her but tonight we have Gabriel to worry about." She says calmly and I see her fingers extend slowly and I regain control of my body and take huge gulps of air as if she was drowning me for a few moments.

"Take him inside. Now." She says again and I see Mark throw Gabriel over his shoulder and walk back inside with Crystal behind him.

"Will he be okay?" I turn around and see the two girls from the other night appear behind Io. The one who's name I believe is Selene looks the most worried as she stares at the house.

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