Furniture Shopping!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
After a long two months of building the house, it was finally time to go furniture shopping! Alfred said he'd get someone to install the toilet/plumbing so all I need to do is get the furniture.
First, I'll need to get things for my room.
Everything MUST be light blue! Even Yuki likes that color.
I headed to the closest furniture store to buy a bed, vanity, mini rug, a desk, and a few chairs for mine and Yuki's room. They had everything!
"Excuse me miss, need any help?" A familiar voice called to me.
"Oh, no I'm fi-" I said turning around to see Arthur behind me," Come to help me pick out furniture tehe~?" I asked.
"It depends love, what are you looking for?" Arthur said.
"A white bed, light blue vanity with a tint of white, and a light blue desk! Oh! And a white and a light blue chair! Eeek!" I exclaimed.
"Alright alright, love. I'll help you find the desk and bed," Arthur said walking off.
"Okay, thanks, Artie!" I yelled. He stopped for a moment when I called him Artie. Then, he continued walking. Now, I need to go and find chairs!
I searched throughout the store until I found a pair of light blue chairs and a white chair.
"Eeeek! There perfect!!!" I squealed.
"Shh! My babies asleep!" A women told me.
"Sorry!" I said nervously. I told the store owner that I found something that I liked. I purchased the three chairs and brought them to the truck Alfred let me borrow, I then headed back to the store.
"Find anything ya like love?" Arthur said smiling," I found a bed, but nothing matching the desk yet."
"Eeeek! Where's the bed?!" I exclaimed.
"This way," Arthur said happily. He lead me to a beautiful light blue bed.
"ITS FRICKEN PERFECT!" I yelled. Arthur helped me take the bed to the truck after I paid for it.
"Hopefully everything will fit," Arthur said.
"Yeah... NOW! Onto our hunt for a vanity!!!" I squealed.
"Alright love!" Arthur said hurrying into the store.
"Wait up!" I yelled. I followed Arthur into the store. We searched everywhere for a light blue vanity. After about ten minutes of searching, I finally found one.
"Um miss. Do you mind being a little more err-" A man said being cut off by Arthur.
"COMING, LOVE!" Arthur yelled.
"Ugh.. never mind ma'am.." The man said walking off.
Arthur and I also took that into the back of the truck after paying for it. It barely fit!
"Thanks for your help today, Arthur!" I said kissing his cheek. Arthur slightly blushed.
"N-no problem love, see ya later!" Arthur said waving and then walking to his car. I drove everything back to the house. Luckily, Alfred had already had someone install the plumbing system.
"Oh, dudette! Back so soon?" Alfred asked.
" Yeah! Arthur helped me pick out my bedroom furniture!" I said smiling.
"Lemme help you get it into your room, dudette," Alfred said.
"Thanks, Alfred~!" I said smiling.
We later finished putting all the furniture in mine and Yuki's room. It took quite a while since it was on the third floor, but, we managed.

-One week later-
After a loooooooong week, I finally finished all the furniture! All the rooms, living rooms, and the kitchen and dining room!
"It's perfect!" I said standing outside of the house.
"It's beautiful, (Y/N)!" Rin said excited.
"I feel like we're missing something.." I said thinking.
"*hic* Look, I found *hic* a new *hic* drinking buddy *hic*!" Yuki said walking toward us with a bottle in one hand and the other arm around.. Scotland/Allistor?!

☆To Change The Worlds☆(hetalia x reader)☆Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now