"I'm sorry Professor James" I reply quickly as I hide my phone. "You have my full attention" I lie.

Throughout the rest of class I find myself more bored than usual and I resort to doodling in my notebook. I'm thrilled when the bell finally rings and I'm able to escape out the door, of course I have a shadow.

"Stalking is illegal Joshua" I tease as we head across the courtyard side by side.

"It's not stalking" he argues. "Where are you off to?"

"Somewhere" I smirk. "Thanks for getting me in trouble by the way" I tease as we reach the parking lot.

"I didn't get you in trouble" he argues. "You made it too obvious that you were texting."

"Whatever" I laugh. "I'm just glad they can't confiscate phones in college."

"We would've been fifty shades of busted" he agrees.

"Fifty shades? That makes it sound like we were sexting" I laugh.

"Now there is an idea with some merit" he laughs making me roll my eyes.

"Joshua Matthew you are fifty shades of awful" I laugh as I lean against my car door. "Look, I gotta go bid farewell to Zay but I'll call you later?" I ask as I grab my car door handle.

"Yea that sounds good" he agrees before we part ways.


"Ugh I'm gonna miss you" I say truthfully as I hug Zay in the middle of the airport. I had already said my goodbye to Huckleberry and now he's off having his long tearful goodbye with Riley.

"I'm gonna miss you too Honey Nugget" he replies as we pull apart. "But you have plenty to keep you busy while I'm gone" he smirks making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Shut it" I laugh.

"How was your night?" he asks playfully. "You used protection right?" he asks as I roll my eyes again.

"We haven't had sex" I argue. "What about you? How did things go with Morgan?"

"A gentleman never tells" he replies with a smirk.

"Okay" I drag out the y. "So what happened?" I ask again making his mouth drop open as he slaps my arm.

"I hate you" he lies making me smile.

"I love you too Zay" I smile as I pull him back in for a hug. "Have a good trip back to Texas."

"Of course" he replies. "I'll call you as soon as I land."

"Perfect" I smile as I let him go. "Talk to you soon Zay."

"Bye Blonde Beauty" he shouts over his shoulder as he walks towards his terminal.


When I get back to the apartment my door is ajar and my heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach. I take a few tentative steps forward and push my door open, the place is empty. And I don't just mean empty as in there is not a person there but actually one hundred percent empty.

"Fuck" I mutter as I run my fingers through my hair. I immediately grab my phone and dial Josh's number.

"Gorgeous I was just thinking about you" he answers brightly. "What's up?"

"Um" I stutter as I bite my lip looking around my empty apartment. "There's a bit of a problem."


"This is more than a little problem" Josh sighs as he walks into my apartment, running his fingers through his hair. "You gotta call the police Maya."

"I did already" I reply honestly. "They're sending an officer over but there's nothing much they can do tonight. They'll check the hallway security cameras and stuff tomorrow."

"Good" Josh replies. "You aren't staying here by the way" he adds seriously. "That is a shit load of not happening."

"What if he figures out where you live?" I ask softly.

"Maya" he says sternly as he grabs my hands in his. "He won't find you. I promise" he says softly as he caresses my cheek. "We'll talk to the police and then I'm taking you back to my place."

"For how long?"

"As long as you need" he replies. "Or you can call Riles if you want and stay with her." It was sweet that he brings up this option, it's one I always argue but at this point I couldn't remember why. Why wouldn't I want to stay with Josh? We were basically dating and as long as we never arrived on campus at suspiciously close times or leave together we should be in the clear.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow" I reply dismissively. "No arguments this time" I add with a smile. "I'll go back to your place. Just this once."

"I'll take it" he smiles softly. "I just want to know you're safe."

"I'm safe" I assure him. "Right here with you" I add as I lean up to kiss him. 

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