Chapter TWENTY- EIGHT: Wedding Bells

Start from the beginning

The wedding theme was silver and Ivory. That was Alex's idea and but the glass seats weren't. Nope, that was Cassie. She had thought comfortable glass seats would make it even more extravagant.

Thoma, Allen, and Xavier stood in the front area conversing and checking around. "My sister went overboard with this."

Allen nodded his head. "She really d-"

"Okay, what's not going to happen is you two attacking my wife."

"Not your wife yet. You still have about three hours and," Allen checked his watch. "Fifteen minutes. Anything could happen in that amount of time."

"But, did she have to choose glass seats with the silver and Ivory theme?" Xavier questioned. "It's tacky."

Alex rolled her eyes, having enough of their conversation. She worked hard to make Cassie's ideal wedding come true. "It's not that bad." She spoke up as she adjusted her shades and walked down the aisle. "Yeah, it's a little too much but you know Cassie likes anything of hers to be extraordinary. Something to have people talking about for years." She smiled as she took a seat on the glass seat that was designated for the parents. She wasn't afraid of it breaking. She knew the glass was sturdy to hold just about anybody.

Xavier smiled down at her. "How're you feeling?"

She tilted her head slightly. "Ready to go back to sleep. But, being the maid of honor, I have to make sure everything is in order." She pouted.

Allen rolled his eyes before picking at the glass on one of the seats. "You think these would hold up Uncle Baily and Aunt Falema?" He chuckled as she started laughing. She only laughed before she knew her uncle and aunt were about a pork away from being obese. Tom started laughing too. They were blood related to him but since Allen and Alex grew up with him... they were considered family.

"It will, Childish." She answered after sobering up a bit. "But, seriously, do you all like it? It took a lot of time to set all of this up, perfectly."

Tom smiled before sitting down on the steps that led to the podium. He slipped a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his pocket before taking a sip. "If Cass likes it, I like it."

She scrunched her nose up in disgust. "Drinking befor your wedding?" Tom shrugged but Alex thought about his answer, just a few seconds ago, and playfully rolled her eyes with her smirk, leaning her head back. "You're so pussy whipped." They laughed. "I'd have never thought I'd see the day a female have Mr. Playa Playa Perry whipped."

He waved her off. "Shut up."

"She has a point, man." Allen added with a goofy grin. "Even when you had your little crush you had on Alex... you were still a player."

Xavier sat down next to Tom, laughing. He was just enjoying their conversation and he loved seeing Alex happy. And, he knew if he could no longer make her happy and smile then he knew Allen and Tom could. He loved their bond.

Tom shook his head, blushing. "None of the girls were loyal."

"You weren't loyal."

"Well, I'm loyal now."

Xavier nodded. "That's all that matters." Tom dapped up him up, thanking him.

"Besides me, Xavier the only one with their heads on straight."

"Whatever." Alex shook her head before checking the time on her phone. "Alright, niggas...and Xavier," They all laughed. "It's officially four o'clock. Think it's about time to get ready. Seven o'clock is right around the corner."

They agreed before all four of them walked out, heading to the dressing rooms.
- -
- Three Hours Later -

Everyone is dressed and ready. Tasha and Brenda had took their time accomplishing a beautiful make up look for the bride. Alex had fixed Cassie's hair into ballerina bun before placing the veil on the top of it, covering her face before getting ready.

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