"Well sit down then. Pancakes are ready," she offered.

Gabe smiled and grabbed enough plates for everyone except me because he knows I won't be eating pancakes. I grabbed the tub of Nutella from the pantry. Nutella sandwich here I come. No other choice anyways...well...no good choices at least. I grabbed some bread and fixed myself a sandwich, and ate it in no time.

"Hurry up Gabriel Michaels!" I yelled.

"Damn, chill. I'm coming," he said.

He shoved the last of his pancake in his mouth and put the plate in the dishwasher. We went walking together to school, like we usually do anyways. Talking about random stuff. Hoping that we don't get to school any time soon because it fricken sucks. 

Not to mention...looking around...

Knowing the werewolf could be watching me right at this moment...


I sat in class next to Savannah. She was talking as usual, and I was certain my head was about to explode right now. I have to hear her stupid voice babbling on for the whole Geography period. Our teacher was never able to shut her up, so he gave up and left her alone. I was barely focusing on my work because of her. 

"I get that the rings on Saturn form around it because the gravity keeps it locked in there...but you know what I'm curious about. Why are they rings? Why are the rocks and ice and stuff only in the ring area...can't they just orbit but be scattered all around?" she blabbed.

"Savannah. I have no fricken clue! Do I look like an astronomer to you?!" I complained.

I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. I least I can get a break from Savannah and her stupid talking. How on earth does she come up with so much to say? And why are they all the most complicated stuff ever? I sighed and walked through the empty corridors. The girls bathrooms aren't near any classes...they were close to the lockers. So the smell wasn't really the best when we went to our lockers.

I didn't actually need the bathroom. It was just and excuse to leave class. I sighed and stopped near the lockers, looking down at the ground. Second day of school and I'm already like...dying. I felt a shiver go up my spine. Someone was behind me. I turned around and there he was. My school enemy. My frightening bully. Black hair. Blue eyes. A threatening stare. 

Evan Matthews... 

He smirked, placing his hand in his pockets. My feet were rooted to the ground. I forgot all about Evan during summer break. He's the one that makes my school life like hell. I stared at him in silence. I could feel fear taking over my body. I was scared he would hurt me. He always insults me and walk off, leaving me behind so upset. 

"Danielle Parker. I didn't expect to see you here. So...did you miss me?" he asked coldly.

"Actually I-"

"It wasn't a question bitch. Of course you fricken missed me. You missed all the sweet things I say to you. You missed all those heart-warming conversations we had in the halls when we saw each other," he scoffed.

His level of sarcasm was not comforting. He was up to no good...and I know that very well. He took a few steps closer to me. I was unable to budge. I was frozen. Almost everything he does makes me feel so hopeless. He was way taller than me, so having to look up at him just made me feel a lot weaker. 

"You're not wearing a garbage bag for once. Who are you trying to impress? Is it that creepy Wraith kid? Or is it your fucked up friend Gabe?" Evan teased.

"Gabe is not fucked up!" I yelled.

"Looks like someone's getting defensive..." he whispered.

I fell silent. He was being a lot quieter...which means he's in attack mode. It means that he's going to say something that's going to hurt me very soon. I hate when Evan insults Gabe...especially because Gabe is my best friend. Because he's always looking out for me. Evan took a step closer, staring at me right in the eyes.

"I remember somebody you used to get very, very defensive about..." Evan started.

"Evan. Don't." 

"Her name was Justine Parker..."

"Evan. Stop!" 

"Such a sweet girl. Too bad that thing happened to her..."


"You were always so defensive about her. Looks like you still are. Here you are trying to shut me up because you're too weak to handle the little 'pain deep inside your heart'..."

I didn't think twice before I did what I did. Before I knew it, I had punched Evan in the jaw. Something I was probably regret very soon. He froze in his spot, his face slightly turned because of the impact. He was silent before he turned and faced me again. I shouldn't have punched him. He could hurt me. 

Evan gutted his chin out and grabbed me by the shirt and pushing me roughly against the lockers. A shot of pain went up my neck, making me gasp. He didn't let go of me, and he bought his face close to mine. I could feel his hot breath against my skin, making me grow more afraid.

"You listen to me you bitch! No one lays a finger of me like you did and gets away with it! I'm going to leave you go now...but trust me you're going to regret this later!" Evan yelled.

"Are you threatening me?!" I yelled.

"Yes! I am! I'm threatening you and there's nothing you could do about it! Maybe a miracle happens and you get replaced with Justine Parker! You'd be gone, and that would do the world a great favor!" Evan sneered.

He let go of me and thew me onto the floor violently, making me land right onto my arm. 

"No one likes you Danielle...maybe the world would've been way better if you didn't exist to start with..." he mumbled.

He turned and walked off. That really hurt me. It hurt me every time actually. I ran towards the bathrooms and burst into tears. He was the person to trigger my tears. Evan Matthews. He was once my best friend. Until the day that the incident happened with Justine Parker. Ever since then he turned his back on me and became the biggest bully ever. 

In just one blink of an eye, it was like we were never friends. With one click of a finger, the kind and amazing Evan Matthews was gone. Replaced by a heartless guy. It took him a few seconds to decide that he hated me and hated my existence. The only person who helps me out is Gabe. He helps me out whenever I get hurt from what Evan says...

Maybe he can help me with the werewolf problem too...

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