Chapter 15

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Meghan's POV


This is very....enchanting. Possibly the weirdest 'date' I've had. Is this a date? It could be. Kissing, cuddling, enjoying each other's company, sounds like a date to me. Should i ask her? I'll ask her when this kiss ends, which i kind of hope never ends. She gets up off the couch and walks into her kitchen. "What are you doing?" "Don't follow me in!! I'll tell you when you're allowed." "Oooookaaaaay then..." I jump up and look around her living room. It's very colorful. As i'm looking around, I notice a small collection of books in an open cabinet. I glance towards the kitchen to make sure she's not watching me. I grab one of the nooks and pull it out. "How To Lose 10 in Just a Week" i grabbed the other books to read them. "Be as Thin as This Model!", "Do You Want to Get Rid of Your Rolls?" and the last one was probably the worst. "20+ Ways to Be Skinny" That's not why it's the worst though. It's the worst because of what was on the first page. "Thinspiration" There's a picture of this really really skinny girl. I could see her ribs, hip bone, and some bones in her arms. It's crazy that she wants to be that skinny. What if she's trying to be skinnier than that girl? That thought brings tears to my eyes. I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and put the books back. "Okay Meg. Come in." I walk in and she has an apron on. It looks cute on her. I look at the ground and there's a giant blanket on it. On the blanket, there's candy. It spell out something...but i can't really tell. I walk closer for i could read it. " my...girlfriend?" At first i read it just to read it but then i realize it's actually a question. 

Kitty's POV


It took me awhile to pull this off. Meghan covers her mouth and walks around my candy masterpiece to me. She hugs me really tight. "Of course i will." I really want to jump or dance or scream or cry but she'd think i'm weird. It's still a little too early to tell her i love her. I know i do though.

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