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It was the end of the summer.   Hank family had just moved to a little town in Mexico.  His parents relocated, for one reason only, they wanted to open up their own clinic.  Somewhere that they could make a difference.   This was why Hank was always home alone.   His parents encouraged him to go out and make some friends.   It's been two weeks that they arrived, and Hank still hasn't shown his face outside, not even to take out the trash.  

Her mother and father, would leave for work at five in the morning and would always return home at ten p.m.  Hank was fourteen and a very good cook.  He kept himself occupied reading, cooking and like every other teenager, playing video games.  

 The summer was over, no more staying inside the house.  He had to go to school, and that was one thing Hank wasn't excited about.  Hank, was very tall for his age.  He kept his blonde hair long and the glasses he wore didn't help his look at all.  The last school he attended was anything but torture.  He was always bullied by many.  He never told his parents, He figured, they were too busy to do anything about anyway, so why, bother.

Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Scotong had ordered everything he needs for school, through Amazon, no time to take the boy shopping.  It has been a week that Hank been waiting for packages and getting organized and ready for school.  He's been doing this on his own for about seven years, it was nothing new, he adapted to the routine.

Hank wakes up at seven in the morning.  He wanted to make sure he didn't miss any packages.  "Another day, another package," he said as he washed up, got dress, then headed downstairs.  He quickly entered the kitchen where he like every day, grabbed the note from the bulletin board.   There he found four sticky papers.  One said, don't forget to put the food in the oven.  The others don't forget to be alert for the packages.  Don't forget to decide what you will ward tomorrow on your first day.  Then last note read, Don't forget that we love you, we'll call you later.  Notes like these always made Hank smile.

He cooked himself some breakfast.  Then he headed outside to the patio to wait for the packages while he eats.  He picked up the newspaper as he walks by.    "Man, I hope these people don't have me waiting all day." he thought to himself when the doorbell ranged.

When Hank opened the door he was surprised to see the neighbor's son standing there.  "Excuse me?" he said with his strong manly voice.   "Hey, my friends and I wanted to see if you would like to go fishing with us?  We saw you move in about two weeks ago.  We were waiting to see if you come outside.  But dude you don't like the sun, do you?"  Leroy said with a friendly smile.   "Well, I don't think I should.  I'm waiting on the mailman," he explained  

"How rude am I, my name is Leroy.  This is Frank, James, Larry, and Lou," he said as they all interduce each other.  "Look leave the side window open, and a note telling the mailman to drop in through the window, and you'll be fine," suggested Larry  

"Well, I really don't know this neighbor that well to leave my window open," he said as he noticed that the mail truck was parking in front of his house.  "Hey, I guess, your package problem is over, now you can tag along with us." said James  "Well, I really don't like fishing," said Hank as he signs for the package.   

"Come on dude, how are you going to meet anyone if you don't go out?" asked Frank as he puts his hands around Hanks' shoulders.  Hank slowly moved away, "Look, I'll do this once, and only once.  I hate the smile of fish. Just give me a couple of minutes," he said as he walked inside and placed the package on the coffee table.  He grabbed the house keys, then headed back outside.

"Let's go," he said as he walked out of his house.  The six boys walked down the road heading to a small creek about five blocks away.  As the walked Leroy began to ask Hank questions.  

"So, where did you come from?" he asked as they walked  "We use to live in Chicago, then we move here." he said not saying much   "Dude, your voice is awesome!  You have that strong man voice.  I can't wait until my voice changes." said Larry  "Thanks, but I think my voice is kind of fighting." he said  "In a way, it is.  Dude but it's all good." said Lou  "Really?  Look how far is this lake?" he asked  "It's not a lake.  It's a small creek, but it does have plenty of fish.  We're almost there, once we cross this big highway, we're home free." explained James  "Good, cause I'm getting tired of walking." said Hank as they all began crossing the highway.

The boys were all finally arrived at the creek.   They quickly began to set up their fishing gear.  Frank gave Hank an extra fishing rod that he had brought for Hank to use.  The boys went in different directions looking for a good spot to fish.

Then things began to go sour.    Hank had a gold chain and bracelet that were very expensive.  Frank couldn't take his eyes off.   He wanted it for himself.  "Hey, James look at this dudes gold.  He's wearing about three thousand dollars around his neck and wrist." explained Frank   "So, what of it, my father has one, a little bit smaller, but he said when I turn eighteen, it'll belong to me." said James  "Well my father never gave me shit!  I want his gold!" said Frank  "Shit dude! Don't start any of your bull shit!  I'm not helping you hurt anyone this time." said James as he walked away from him.   

Frank notices that James walked up to Leroy about to tell him what he was up to, so he ran behind James and push lightly, "Hey, you better keep your mouth shut!" Frank said knowing that James was afraid of him.   James looked at Frank with fear in his eyes, "Look, dude, I don't want no part of this.  I'm so out of here!  Hey, Leroy, I have to go, my mother told me she needs me to return before twelve.  I'll see you guys later."  said James as he walked towards his house, he glanced at Hank then shook his head and continued on his way.   Hank found it strange but didn't put any thought into his glance.   

The four boys continued to wait for a fish to bite, while Frank sat down near the edge of the creek.  He quickly put his gloves on.  He took the fishing rope and began to tie it into hoops making it a little thicker.  He then walked behind Hank and placed the fishing rope around his neck.    Hank began to struggle as they both fell to the ground.  "What the hell are you doing?" yelled Leroy who was now trying to get Frank to let Hank go.  The other boys also tried to help.  As Frank kept squeezing the rope tighter, the last words that Hank said, "I'll get you all for this!" as he closed his eye and soul travel out his body, while tears run down his face.

"Shit dude! What the hell is wrong with you?  You fucken kill him, just like that." said Leroy  "I want what I want and I get what I want." said Frank as he removed Hanks jewelry and placed it inside his pocket.   "Come on guys, help me move the body," he said as he grabbed Hank by the legs.  "Dude, the hell with you, you're on your own!" yelled Larry with his eyes filled with fear as he ran home.   "Larry's right, you're one sick fuck!" said Lou as he also ran away.  "Man, you are so so wrong.  My parents told me, that you were weird like your father.  I see now what they were talking about.  Stay away from me."  said Leroy as he walked away.  Frank panicked and began to drag Hank's body under some bushes by himself.

Frank looked around, "Damn maybe I've shouldn't have done this?  Hell with it, it's done and what?  Fuck all those pussies.  Leroy has some nerves, my father, hell with him too." said Frank out loud as he covered Hank up with some branches.  He then quickly picked up his belongings and headed to the next town to sell the jewelry.  Leaving Hank there for dead.

The other boys went straight home and didn't mention their encounter.  Frank hitchhike all the way to the next town two hours away.  He sold the jewelry for a thousand dollars,  He went shopping for some name brand sneakers.   Once he finishes shopping he picked up something to eat then headed home with no guilt or worries at all.

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