Thank you!

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UPDATE 5th October 2020

A lot has happened since I first posted this, so I've edited in more accurate details while  preserving people's previous comments.

Season One of 'The Jack Hansard Series' is now complete - thank you for reading and for all your support! I hope you've enjoyed reading the series as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

What's next for Jack Hansard?

Well, it finally happened - I published Season One as an ebook and paperback this year! The book is a revised edition with new content (I took many of your wonderful suggestions to heart and added a new episode), but still the same story and characters as you've read here.

I don't wish to spam you with shop links, but you can find it on my profile if you want to pick up a copy. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has bought one; I'm overwhelmed by your support T_T

As for future episodes . . . I'll be posting  the beta episodes of Season Two here on Wattpad going forward, so you can still read it for free. Thank you for following my journey - and Jack's!


Prior to updating the above info, these were the questions I'd originally asked readers in this chapter:

If you've got a mo, can you answer a few questions and have your say in the future of Jack Hansard? =)

1) Have you enjoyed reading Jack Hansard as a series of short stories rather than as one long novel?

2) Would you change anything about the format of the series? i.e. Not the plot, but the way the episodes are laid out and linked together.

3) Would you be interested in purchasing Season Two of 'The Jack Hansard Series'?

4) Would you prefer to pay per episode, or to pay for all the season's episodes at once? Alternatively, would you prefer a middle-ground where you can purchase a set of five episodes at a time?


I thought A LOT about all your comments and advice, especially your responses to those questions above. For a long time I ran in circles trying to restructure Season One into a more traditional 'novel', but it lost something intrinsic to itself. It stopped being the story I wanted to write. So then I agonised for ages over whether there was a 'right' or a 'wrong' way to do things in publishing . . .

I've made peace with it now - the weird decision I made to start a long, windingly episodic adventure: and now I know that I'm going to see it through. This episodic storytelling lark is a bit experimental, and I invite you to join in the experiment. I think this just might be my natural medium.

To those pining for more of Jo Neills' character - don't worry, I'm working on it! I would love to grow all of this into something even bigger with intersecting stories and perspectives. And I haven't RULED OUT the idea of writing full length novels in the future . . .


Thanks for everything guys, it's been a blast.  =)

If you want to keep up with news about the series, you can also follow me on social media and through my main website. Keep in touch!




The Jack Hansard Series: Season OneWhere stories live. Discover now