Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

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Zayn realizes with a start that Liam is crying, and drops to his knees in front of where Liam is still kneeling, to reach out and pull his husband into his arms. "I love you, Liam James Malik-Payne" Zayn mumbles unable to come up with anything else at the moment, "please don't ever do this to me again" he adds on. Liam squeezes him tightly, "This has been the worst day of my life" he mumbles into Zayn's neck and Zayn lets out a watery laugh at the tickling sensation, "mine too" he hums. "I don't think I can just let it go that easily though Liam, it really hurt me" Zayn whimpers and Liam nods "I understand. Take all the time you need, as long as you'll talk to me while you work through it" he mumbles, digging his face into Zayn's neck. Zayn smiles lightly, "I think I can manage that" he mumbles, before laughing as Liam knocks him backwards so that he's sprawled on the floor, with Liam laying on top of him, peppering kisses all over his face and neck, playfully.

Liam's eyebrows are suddenly furrowing as he grabs at Zayn's right hand, and runs a thumb over it lightly, "Babe, what happened?" Liam murmurs, brushing a soft kiss to the knuckles, that Zayn is just realizing are bruised. Zayn bites his lip and pulls his hand away, "I may have punched the shower this morning, turns out it wasn't a good idea" he mumbles. Liam chuckles kissing his knuckles again, before he pushes himself up so he's standing, "I'm gonna go and shower, then I'm taking you out for breakfast and to do whatever you want to do on our last day here" he smirks, as he backs towards the bedroom, Zayn nods watching him go, before dropping down to sit on the couch. Zayn laughs to himself when he hears the shower come on just a minute later, and Liam's muffled singing coming through the open door. Zayn leans back as he listens, Liam really does have a beautiful voice, and Zayn just wishes his husband would let him hear it more often. Zayn decides he should get changed while Liam showers and heads back into the bedroom to pull on a pair of ripped, skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt, just as Liam emerges from the ensuite, hair still dripping and towel slung low on his hips. Zayn licks his bottom lip as he watches Liam move to pull clothes out of his suitcase, before shaking his head, he is not taking it there right now, he is still upset with the perfectly sculpted man in front of him.

Zayn smiles as Liam locks their fingers together, as he pulls the door to their suite shut and heads down the hall towards the elevator. Zayn leans heavily on Liam while they wait and can't help but feel content when he feels lips pressing a gentle kiss to his hair, once on the elevator Zayn looks up at Liam, "I really am sorry Zee" Liam mumbles and Zayn nods, sighing, as he rests a hand against the older man's cheek, "I know. I am too. I just need some more time" he mumbles. Liam nods, turning his head to kiss Zayn's palm, just as the elevator opens into the lobby. The girl from yesterday is making her way through the nearly empty lobby towards the pool and Zayn growls, low in his throat as he glares at her, and attempts to pull his hand free of Liam's to follow after her. Liam tightens his grip and pulls Zayn back into his chest, "don't. She's not worth it" Liam murmurs, and Zayn shivers as a chill runs down his spine, "I want to kill her" Zayn mutters pouting, and Liam chuckles, "let me take care of it Love" he coos, pressing a kiss to Zayn's neck, just below his ear. Zayn turns to look at Liam, furrowing his eyebrows and shaking his head, "I don't want you anywhere near her" he squawks and Liam smiles, nodding his head, "I'm not going to, promise Love" he hums.

Zayn's confused as Liam has ordered him a coffee and left him sitting in the lobby by himself, as he goes to speak to someone. He's chewing his lip and looking around the room, the same older woman from before approaches Zayn, sitting in the chair beside his, "you look much happier today, Dear" she points out. Zayn smiles "yeah, I feel better too" he murmurs and she grins, reaching over to pat his knee just as Liam starts coming out of the manager's office across the room. "I'm glad, he's a good one. You hang on to him" the woman winks, gesturing to where Zayn can see Liam approaching, but before he can inform her that he plans to do just that, she's up and walking back out towards the pool.

"So breakfast?" Liam asks, clapping his hands together and pulling Zayn to his feet, Zayn just nods his head and allows Liam to lead him from the building out onto the street to head towards a little café that they had found and fallen in love with. "What did you do?" Zayn asks, as they walk and Liam just looks around, avoiding his gaze "I took care of it" he mumbles as he tugs Zayn through the door of the smal lcafé. Zayn has a feeling he knows what that means and for a moment, he almost feels bad for the girl, that Liam no doubt just got fired, but then he remembers what she'd done to him, and his relationship and decides she deserves whatever happens to her. "Earth to Zayn" Liam hums, and Zayn shakes his head coming back into himself to see two steaming mugs on the table, he was apparently in his own head longer than he thought. "What are you thinking about?" Liam asks, reaching for Zayn's hand and Zayn shrugs, "a lot of things" he mumbles, taking a sip from his coffee.

They're just walking the streets, taking in anything they may have missed the last few days they've been out and about. "I think I'm going to miss this place" Zayn mumbles, stopping in his tracks as he looks around, and Liam stops too, watching him, "but I miss my babies more" Zayn adds. Liam smiles "I miss them too, I cannot wait until we get home tomorrow afternoon, and can see them" he agrees. Zayn just nods. Before he starts walking again, Liam catches his fingers with his own, "we can always come back one day soon, Love" he hums and Zayn smiles, because he likes the sound of that. But he's ready to go home, ready to be back in his own space, with Arabella, Chloe, and Zack, he's ready to be away from this place and back in their bubble, so hopefully he can completely forget about what happened here.

End Up Here (Ziam AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora