Chapter 10

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"There's nothing serious. Her body just lack of glucose. She has been dieting, isn't she?" The doctor looked at Jungkook.

"Huh? I-I don't know."

"Are you her boyfriend?" The female doctor asked Jungkook that and Jungkook didn't wait a second to shook his head.

"No. Actually, I don't know her. I was walking by and she just happen to collapse in front of me. That's why I bring her here." Jungkook lied and the doctor looked at him for a moment before chuckling.

"I'm sorry. I thought you're her boyfriend." The doctor smiled and focused back on the paper in her hand. The words the doctor had just said somehow made Jungkook to become damn curious.

Do we even look that compatible? No way!

"And you? How is your arms? Does it hurt somewhere?" Jungkook was brought back to reality and instantly looked at the doctor, eyebrow crossed. He had no idea why the doctor suddenly asked about him instead of Seulhi.

"Why did you ask that?"

The doctor smiled. "I saw you bringing her here just now and I thought that your arms must be hurt somewhere. Bringing someone to the 6th floor is not something easy, am I right?" She chuckled again and Jungkook replied with a fake one. "You should have let those nurse do their job and bring her here you know."

"Nah. Its okay. I'm fine." Jungkook stated. "So, can I meet her now?"


With that, Jungkook gave her one last smile and just walked out of the doctor room, searching for the room where Seulhi was at. He read out the number plastered on the door and entered it, seeing Seulhi who was laying like a soulless person on the hospital's bed.

With a frown, Jungkook looked at Seulhi, feeling highly burdened since he was trapped here to take care after her.

"Why did you starve yourself, stupid." He exclaimed as he adjusted the position of her hand on her stomach to pull the blanket over her but, he quickly pulled away when Seulhi moved a bit suddenly.

Slowly, Seulhi opened her eyes as she looked around her. Immediately, her eyes went round when she witnessed Jungkook in front of her. She wanted to quickly react by sitting up straight when Jungkook suddenly pushed her head down, preventing her from doing so.

"Just wait here. Don't move." With that, he walked away, leaving Seulhi alone, who was still confused as to why she was in the hospital in the first place.

What am I doing here?

She wondered before her stomach started to growl again, craving for food. She held onto it and grabbed a mineral water from aside. Just by looking at the drink was enough to make her close to nausea. Ever since she started dieting, mineral water had been her major food for every meals; her breakfast, her lunch and it also for her dinner.

That was how bad she wanted to lose her weight.

Not long after, Jungkook entered the room with a plastic of food in his hand.

Seulhi, who easily felt insecure as it just the two of them in this room, instantly adjusted her shirt as she made sure the shirt didn't too revealing or showing any skin of her body.

To decrease the nervousness that was so overwhelming in the air, she quickly took the mineral water beside her and drank it again but, Jungkook out of a sudden pulled it away from her and put it aside.

"Stop drinking and eat." He said with a serious tone while he passed the porridge to her but Seulhi just stared at it, didn't have appetite to eat or even see the food.

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